Bryan Sanctuary - Professor


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Professor of Chemistry, Otto Maass Chemistry Building, Montreal.



  • Near the end of World War Two when the Russians and Allies were closing in on Berlin, Bryan Clifford Sanctuary was born in Scarborough, Yorkshire. His father Clifford, working for the RAF as a bomb engineer, received news of his son’s birth over the military network while stationed in France. In his childhood years, he attended Arundyl House School for boys in Surbiton, Surrey, England.
  • In 1954 his father got a job with Decca Radar in Toronto. In that year the family, including Bryan (9 years-old), sailed from Southampton to New York at the company’s expense. The company provided first class travel on the Queen Mary ocean liner allowing the Sanctuary family a chance to hobnob and aspire with a class from which they were far removed.
  • They arrived in Toronto in the aftermath of Hurricane Hazel. Bryan and his sister Cathey went to elementary school in Toronto until 1958 when his parents divorced. He moved to Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island as a result. Bryan eventually graduated from Delbrook High in North Vancouver in 1963. Here is his 40-year class reunion.
  • Perhaps the person who had the greatest positive effect on Bryan was his maternal grandfather, John (Jack) Hornby Pollard, who was a skilled wood carver and cabinet maker. He used to cut all the dove-tail joints by hand and boiled fish glue for them. Pampa loved to say, “A poor workman always blames his tools.” He played billiards with Bryan and had a pint of Guinness every day. In those days, Bryan was a bit of a hippie.


  • As a freshman at the University of British Columbia, UBC, Bryan decided on a chemistry degree. In the summer of 1965, he was hired by Professor Elmer Ogryzlo and had his first paper written which experimentally proved the existence of double molecules in the gas phase. It was around the same time with the Beatles singing "She loves me", that he met his future wife, Mingy Woo.
  • While on summer vacation from university, he worked in a logging camp on the coast of BC. He set chokers, sorted logs with pipe-poles, hooked for a cat, broke up log jams, operated a tug to pull booms, fell in the water a lot, lost equipment in the water, got sick on plug tobacco, got punched out by an angry logger and was chased by a grizzly bear.
  • In the summer of ’66 he worked with Professor Robert F. Snider, who later became his research director. It was at this time that he decided to do theory, influenced by Bob who also introduced him of viewing the physical sciences geometrically and taught him the power of Irreducible Cartesian tensors. It was Bob who taught him density matrix theory and the statistical interpretation of the wave function. Around the same time, in his graduate studies and post doc to follow, Bryan was greatly influenced by Professor John Coope who was working on Cartesian tensors with Bob. Bob and John always had time and patience to answer the questions Bryan raised.
  • With Bob Snider as his supervisor, Bryan's graduate work involved deriving a quantum mechanical Boltzmann equation that described non-degenerate quantum states which was an extension of the Walman-Snider Bolzmann equation. This involved treating the position and momentum by a Wigner-distribution function and the quantum internal states by a density operator. He applied this to the experimental work of Ronald Dong, who was a graduate student for Professor Myer Bloom at UBC’s physics department (another great positive influence on him). Ronald’s work was in gas phase NMR and it was there that Bryan got interested in that field.
  • Also in physics, Professor Fred Kaempffer taught him quantum mechanics and general relativity. Kaemffper was a remarkable man. He was a husky German who limped around due to a wound he got in the 2nd World War. Before lecturing, he would pace up and down outside the classroom. As the bell rang to signify the start of class, he would start talking as he entered, carrying only a piece of chalk -no notes- and teach the class about covariant and contravarient tensors. Upon entering, he would start to talk exactly where he had left off the previous class. He entertained no questions. As the bell rang at the end of class, he would walk out still talking, only to appear the following class to finish off the sentence that trailed off into the halls as he left. Professor Kaempffer was a consultant on black holles for the 2001 Space Odessy: in the end, the hero goes into a black hole.
  • Due to Bryan's background, he wanted to go to Leiden, Holland to work in the molecular physics group of Jan Beenakker. He chose the Leiden group because the quantum mechanical Boltzmann equation was well suited to study the small effects of non-spherical molecules on transport properties of gases in a magnetic or electric field (the Sentfleben-Beenakker Effects). Unfortunately the group had no funding. John Coope came to the rescue and provided a post doc salary for him for six months while John was on sabbatical in France. With John’s help, Bryan was able to understand the experimental results of a phenomenon called the thermomagnetic torque. The annular region between two concentric cylinders was filled with a non-spherical gas (like hydrogen deuteride). A magnetic field was applied along the cylinder’s axis and the inner and outer cylinders were maintained at different temperatures. Under these conditions, a torque was detected relative to the two cylinders—about the same size as a mosquito jumping tangentially from a commercial cylinder of CO2 hanging from a wire! The amazing thing about the theory that explained all the data was that quantum effects actually showed up in a gas kinetic system. You can do spectroscopy with quantum kinetic theory (if there were not easier ways)!!
  • This research led to Jan Beenakker extending Bryan’s project for two more years, funded by FOM, a Dutch funding agent. Holland was a tranquil time of discovery, enjoyment and travel. His two sons were born there as well. Eventually he had to find a job.
  • The thermomagnetic torque was good fodder for a talk and in 1974 Professor Vedene Smith of Queen’s university, organizing the Canadian Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry, invited him to give a lecture.
  • Likely, this talk along with his research led him to get his first faculty position at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in the Theoretical Chemistry Institute run by Professor Joe Hirschfelder. Joe got his PhD with Henry Eyring and Professor Chuck Curtiss got his PhD with Joe. Chuck was the research director of Bob Snider—so that is Bryan’s academic lineage.
  • Madison was a great place to live and raise a young family. They had a big old ginger bread house right next to Lake Wingra. However, having two young sons in the USA in the post-Vietnam war era, and not wanting them to grow up only to have to fight in another ill-fated US war, made him seek employment in Canada.
  • He joined McGill University’s chemistry department in 1976. In that year the separatists came to power which led to thirty years of uncertainty described as a “never ending visit to the dentist” (one of the many colourful statements made by former Premier of Quebec, separatist Jacques Parizeau). The picture shows him waving goodbye after the defeat of the 1995 referendum for separation which, in a racial slur, he attributed to “money and the ethnic vote”. He was forced to resign.
  • Bryan is now a full-time professor at McGill University and his research is funded by NSERC, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.



  • The next thirty years involved three sabbatical leaves. The first in 1981-2 at the University of York, England. It was on that leave that the spherical tensor approach to NMR, called multipole NMR, was developed. This was ushered in by the tremendous advances in NMR of that era, notably by the Nobel Laureate, Richard Ernst. He, amongst many things, showed the utility and feasibility of 2D NMR. Ernst, like many of his time, had a great positive influence on Bryan along with Jean Jenner. In York, Dr. Tom Halstead did solid state NMR and the tensor theory was well suited to explain all the solid echoes that were observed.
  • In the second sabbatical, at the Australian National University in Canberra, he worked with Larry Brown and got an interest in studying NMR of proteins. Hiring a post doc, Xu Jun, they developed an algorithm based upon graph theory and fuzzy mathematics to extract the patterns from 2D NMR of proteins. This was licensed to TRIPOS Inc. under the name CAPRI (Computer Assisted Peak Resonance Identification).
  • Following this work, Dr. Sanctuary continued with refinements of protein NMR with two graduate students, Li Kwo Bin and James Choy. The former extended CAPRI to 3D NMR and the latter improved the “super graphs” used to identify the NMR 2D graphs by taking into account the chemical shifts in different environments.
  • In spite of its great success and enormous range of applications, the NMR theory had become theoretically well founded by 1997. It appeared to be moving more into that of a highly developed and useful technique. The exciting developments of the previous forty years appeared to be over. Professor Sanctuary wrote a couple of review and decided to do less NMR research in favour of doing more fundamental work with spins. In 2005, however, the spherical tensor methods began to find utility in the NMR experimental work of solids and this renewed his interest. In particular the different ways that spins couple needed work. Also the complicated and messy Clebsch-Gordan algebra became too unweildly and the diagramatic methods of Yutis helped to simplify and visualize these multispin systems. He collaborated with Dr. Francis Temme on this work.
  • A sabbatical leave in 1996-97 saw a return to Leiden, Holland to the physics department. Some work was done on spin conversion problems (like ortho-para hydrogen, but with different systems), but nothing was published. He did, however, develop an interest in the use of multimedia for teaching which began in the early days of personal computers using Windows in 1993. This led, in 1995, to the formation of a company, MCH Multimedia Inc. (MCH being the initials of his three children, Mark, Colin and Hillary).
  • The success of the use of multimedia in the classroom motivated Bryan to make these commercially available.
  • The first, General Chemistry, was published in 1997, but it was not until the improvement of the development tools: Macromedia Authorware, Flash and on-line shops, that the products were improved and won awards (2002). Professor Sanctuary wrote three such multimedia books: Introductory (high school) and General Chemistry (college and university), Organic Chemistry (university) and General Physics (college and university). About the same time, he was accepted as author on the Houghton Mifflin’s Physical Chemistry text by Laidler, Meiser and Sanctuary. In addition, MCH received the contract to do 10 of the 18 chapters in multimedia. This multimedia won the 2003 Eddie Award for the best educational software at the post-secondary level.
  • A perennial problem in teaching large service courses to life science students is making them keep up. My entreating them to keep up and giving problem sets generally do not work. They wait until the last minute to cram and copy problem sets. In 2017, using random number generators in MyCourses to produce quizzes, the problem was solved. All students had to do their own problems since the numerical value of each was different for every student. These 15 problems sets, due weekly, comprised 15% of grade. The results were remarkable, with the students scoring high with difficult exams. I wish I had had this tool 40 years agol
  • In 2012 I purchased a farm 100 km from Montreal, in preparation for retirement. It actually took longer than I expected, and I retired finally in August of 2019. Now I grow fruit, berries and hay on an 11 acre farm.

    The 2D spin and its exchange spin . VIEW DOWNLOAD

    Here is seen the two dimensional spin in its own body fixed coordinate system. Since the two axes of spin quantization are indistinguishable in the absence of any interactions, the new spin of √2 forms. This is a hermitian state with magnitude which is √2 larger than the usually point particle spin of quantum theory.

    This movie shows how the quantum phase, in the y-axis, orients the 2D spin in 3D space and the two orientations form the resonance or exchange spin.

    Note that the √2 spin can form in any of the quadrants and, since its eigenvalues are the same in each, each orientation of the spin is indistiguishable, leading to degeneracy of physical reality.

    The isolated resonance exchange spin of zero angular momentum—a Magnetic MonopoleVIEW DOWNLOAD

    An isolated spin ½ forms a resonance or exchange spin which cannot be obtained from quantum mechanics. It can only be obtained by allowing for non-hermitian states. Moreover, the new resonance spin is the square root of 2 larger than the usual spin ½, and this is the source of the correlations that leads to violation of Bell's Inequalities.

    This new spin can be oriented in any of its body fixed coordinate quadrants and this resonance state leads to an average net angular momentum of zero. That is, this isolated spin resonance has the properties of a magnetic monopole!

    Since each √2 spin is degenerate, then physical reality at the microscopic level is different from that in our macroscopic world because of indistinguishability.

    The 2D spin near a magnetic probe which destroys the √2 spin and restores the usual spin ½VIEW DOWNLOAD

    As soon as the √2 spin feels the interaction from a probe, its axes become distinguishable and the √2 spin cannot form. It leads to the usual point particle of spin ½ that we normally deal with in quantum theory.


    Separable Bell States DOWNLOAD


    With his Italian friends, in October, they go down to the grape market in the Jean-Talon area of Montreal and, while Bryan stands around saying nothing and trying to look Italian, he lets them bargain. Mostly they buy alicante, muscata and what ever is a good deal. These are fermented and pressed, then aged as long as the supply is large. Some like the wine and others do not. C'est la vie!


    When five years old, his father, sitting in the garden of a pub in England, gave Bryan a taste of his Yorkshire Bitter. He screwed up his face in response, to which he father replied, “One day you will love it!” It is hard to get good English beer in Canada, but one can buy the English malt and hops, boil it up and ferment a brew. He makes Yorkshire Bitter and Guiness, puts these in pressurized kegs and stores it in a fridge that has two spigot’s on the front. This is popular.


    Greatly appreciate a friend who introduced Bryan to orchid growing, he now has a greenhouse and grows orchids (see the photo section). In the greenhouse, he also grows spices, mint and various types of hot peppers.


    Likely motivated by his maternal grandfather who was a cabinet maker and wood carver, Bryan has developed an interest in the English walnut period (1660-1740). He also collects antique clocks and has a collection of old watches.


    As a teenager living in the raucous town of Alert Bay, B.C., he met a man called Ken Lamb and his wife, Shawn Lamb. Ken played the banjo and taught Bryan. Bryan later started picking and following the folk music popularity of the time, with Pete Seeger being his favorite. Later he played in hoot-nannies and was a regular in the 1960’s at the Inquisition Coffee House on Seymour Street in Vancouver. He played folk guitar and banjo and sang folksongs for $10 a night.


    In his early 20’s, Bryan started to play the classical guitar. He let it slide for many years, but recently took it up again.


    The Sanctuary name is rare and with the help of others, has got the Sanctuary line back to Norfolk in 1375. It is a single line that started in Swaffham, Norfolk and spread out. There are about 1000 in total. One branch came to Canada in the 1850’s and settled in Montreal. They lived in the house, which Bryan now owns, from 1879 to 1923. That line of the family has died out. Our common ancestor dates back to 1725.

    George Frederick Sanctuary (g-grandfaterh), Anna Maria Broadly (g-grandmother), Left to right, standing: Thomas Arnold, Rawson, Edith Alice, Willian Thomas (gradfather called Tom), On grass, Clifford Ewart, in chair, Annie Louise; in the garden on George Street, Saltaire, Yorkshire about 1897. Not shown, and not born, is Jack who was born in 1903.

    There is one branch of the family that is not part of his but bears the same name. In Quebec, Gerald Santorie fought with the French on the Plains of Abraham in 1759. After the British defeated the French, Gerald moved to Montreal and anglicized his name to Sanctuary. Those that stayed in Quebec, changed their name back to Santorie, but those that left for the USA (and they multiplied considerably) maintained the name Sanctuary. They have no connection to Bryan’s line.


    Cross country skiing and downhill, were popular especially as his children were young. In recent years, he only skis when he meets his children, usually in Switzerland, where two of them live. Previously, most of the skiing was done in the Laurentian hills, North of Montreal, where they had a country house.


    Started doing this in the 1990’s again motivated by his mountaineering children. He had a friend, Paul Scott, with whom he practiced. Did not do too much: best was a three pitch, 5.9.


    Frequently goes hicking in the woods or canoe camping, mostly in Canada.


    Was trained as Padi open water with his three children in 1989 in Maui on their way to a sabbatical in Australia. Went to the Great Barrier Reef and did other outings later. Now out of practice, but takes a re-fresher course when on vacation in the tropics.


    In his earlier life, he did a lot of bad renovations on the various houses he owned. This changed with his present house, purchased in May of 2004 and, as mentioned above, was lived in by a branch of his family from 1879 to 1923. This house, 10 minutes to McGill and in the Shaughnessy Village, has many of the original features. With the help of an interior decorator and skilled trades people, he had the house resorted to its former glory. The ceiling moldings were stripped so the 120 years of paint build-up was removed. All the wood was stripped, the antique radiators were sand blasted, and the 2.5 inch thick original pine floors were restored. The bathrooms and kitchens are modern but the rest remain the same as much as possible. The three fireplaces work, two gas and one wood. The outside of the house was cleaned and tuck-pointed; the roof was restored with slate and copper; the woodwork was restored and replaced in the Victorian style and external lighting brightens the place up.


    Research Interests


    Bryan's fields of study include the following:
    • Statistical mechanics and kinetic theory
    • Theory of NMR and NQR
    • Structure of proteins from NMR
    • Spin theory
    • NMR of solids
    • Quantum computing and teleportation
    • Foundations of quantum theory
    After putting aside NMR, Professor Sanctuary Sanctuary interests turned to quantum computing and with his background in spin theory, started to do research in this area. He quickly ran into the notion of quantum non-locality and, in India on April fools day of 2002, decided that non-locality was an untenable concept. This goes against the current accepted notions of the foundations of physics, which accepts non-locality as a proven theoretical and experimental fact. Eventually, in 2006, he was able analyze the experimental evidence of the violation of Bell's Inequalities and show that the locality condition was correct but the assumption that a spin is a one dimensional quantity is incorrect. A spin is a two dimensional system. Although his earlier work on this was not completely formulated, Bryan quickly learned that the Physical Review Letter rejects on principle, any paper that purports to question non-locality.

    The ideas go right to the heart of the interpretation of quantum mechanics: what is the meaning of the wave function? Does it describe (as Bohr, Heisenberg and Born suggest) a complete theory where the wave unction describes all we can know about the states of a system, such as a molecule, a pair of particles, rather than an ensemble of similarly prepared particles. The opposing side (Einstein, de Broglie and Schrodinger) suggested that Bohr’s notion of complementarity was wrong; that quantum mechanics was incomplete and a deeper, hidden variable theory underpins quantum mechanics. Indeed the notion of wave-particle duality is incorrect. Nature does not obey complementarity. .

    The debate of the 1930’s was argued with gedanken experiments. The situation was murked by John von Neumannin 1936 who proved that no hidden variable theory can exist. This idea, influenced by Bohr, and the palatability of complementarity led to the repudiation of Einstein’s ideas. Bohr argued, with complementarity, that we can know position but not momentum, or we can know momentum but not position because the wave function describes one or the other. Einstein (EPR paradox) disagreed and proved that both position and momentum are simultaneously elements of physical reality, therefore quantum mechanics is incomplete. .

    However, Einstein made the reasonable assumption that when two particles separate and each is beyond the range of the other's filtering device, (say a plane polarizer like sunglasses), then one filter cannot affect the other. This is called Einstein locality. .

    Before going on, it should be pointed out that the idea of complementarity goes far beyond the philosophies of Plato: that the mind is not involved in measurement and what you see is what you get. These philosophies: epistemology (how we know) and ontology (what we can know) took a frantic turn based upon the acceptance of Bohr’s ideas. It is also curious that long before quantum theory, William Moore (philosopher and brother of the sculptor Henry Moore) articulated a philosophy that was popular when Bohr was a young man and contained the notions of “this or that” much like complementarity. Bohr found it easy to pull this philosophy into quantum theory. Wave function collapse and complementarity involve paradoxes and are inconsistent with experiment. .

    It was not until John Bell wrote down his famous inequalities based upon the separability of particles (assuming Einstein locality) and the notion that quantum mechanics fails to satisfy the ideas so the notion of non-locality became entrenched. To be correct, Bell’s results have been used to rule out any hidden variable theory that obeys Einstein locality. But this conclusion is incorrect. .

    In 2007 Bryan proved that Bell's spin assumption is the incorrect one, not the locality assumption. He found that by extending qm to allow for non-hermitian states, determinism and causality are restored to physics. .

    He also found that indistinguishility, which only occurs at the microscopic level of particles, plays an important role in establishing physical reality. In fact physical reality is different between the microscopic and macroscopic because it is degenerate at the microscopic level. This degeneracy is the basic reason for the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations. .

    The experiments were performed in 1972 (Clauser), 1981 (Aspect), 1998 (Weils), 1997 and 2002?? (Gisin), all of which seem to show that quantum mechanics violates Bell’s inequalities. From these experiments new technologies are emerging: quantum computing; quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation. Any experiments and technologies that assume that an entangled state can exist to space like separations are not interpreted correctly. When entangled particles separate, they form biparticles, which obey Einstein locality. Without detail, the singlet state forms a resonance state, much like the spin magnetic monopole discussed about. When a singlet separates, it does so into one bi-particle. This product state contains scalar and second rank tensor contributions and these polarizations could be observed in coincidence experiments. .

    Quantum mechanics cannot separate the Bell states like the non-hermitian states, and cannot be written as a product. It is, according to David Bohm, “an undivided whole”. Schrödinger in 1936 said entanglement was not “a” difference between quantum and classical mechanics but “the” difference. .

    It is entanglement that causes all the fuss. Suppose that an entangled pair of, say photons, are produced and then separated as EPR described, then they are still an undivided whole even though separated by space-like distances. According to the Born concept of the wave function, when one of the pair is measured, its partner “instantaneously” collapses into the state that is complementary to the one being measured. This seems to confirm non-locality. Indeed Gisin has done experiments that show that the collapse happens 10,000,000 times faster than the speed of light! The way of reconciling this with Einstein’s relativity is to make arguments and conclude, as Clauser did, that quantum mechanics and relativity live in “peaceful coexistence”. Moreover, in a private conversation with Gisin, he stated that the notion of non-locality is beyond human understanding and we are in a new realm of physics for which no mechanism can be found to explain the results. .

    With this background, Professor Sanctuary has shown:

    • Quantum correlations are a property of the system alone and have nothing to do with the way filters are set. The filters only select certain sub-ensembles of particles.
    • The statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics assumes that every spin has a unique axis of quantization, and such spins have their own microstate (body fixed coordinate system).
    • At this level, beyond the range of direct measurement, a single spin has two orthogonal axes of angular momentum and a quantum phase. The quantum phase orients atwo dimensional spin in three dimensional Cartesian space.

    • The view here is that the wave function describes a statistical ensemble of microstates prepared for measurement. This view follows the way experiments are performed: that a large number of events are collected and averaged. Many issues are resolved and new ideas emerge:

    • Restores locality repudiates non-locality.
    • Shows that a spin is a two dimensional system, not one dimensional.
    • Introduces the concept of the biparticle (a separated formally entangled spin pair).
    • Shows a spin has a superposed state of angular momentum formed from the two spin components.
    • Resolves the double slit experiments.
    • Shows that at the microstate level, the states are coherent and so the state operators are non-hermitian.
    • Completes quantum mechanics so all attributes are simultaneously dispersion free.
    • Shows that a microstate exists with the experimental proof being the violation of Bell’s Inequalities. These experiments distinguish the one and two dimensional spin. They do not distinguish locality from non-locality.
    • Distinguishes microstates (that can only be indirectly measured) from macrostates (which are statistical ensembles of similarly prepared spins ready for direct measurement).
    • Shows that hidden variable theories are unnecessary based on present experimental results.
    • Supports the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics.
    • Resolves the detection loophole.
    • Gives an explanation for why maximum violation of Bell’s Inequalities occurs when the three filter settings are 60 degrees apart.
    • Gives an explanation for asymmetry in the EPR data (which cannot be explained by an isotropic singlet state).
    • Shows that quantum channels do not exist and teleportation cannot happen in the usual way suggested, (that is non-locality or “EPR channels” are not responsible and do not exist).
    • Introduces the concept of quantum phase, which orients a particle in its microstate.
    • Introduces the concept of quantum correlations length, QCL, that is a measure of the degree of randomization that has occurred. A QCL of √3 is the longest for a spin ½ in its microstate; a QCL √2, corresponds to a phase randomized spin; and when it is unity, the QCL corresponds to the usual one dimensional spin encountered in experiments that prepare spins for direct measurement.
    • Suggests that changing the description of a spin from 1D to 2D will have repercussions to the structure of nuclear matter.

    In order to include coherent microstates into quantum mechanics, the hermiticity postulate must be changed to allow for non-hermitian state operators. This change completes quantum mechanics in the sense that EPR might have envisioned. Recall the famous statement by EPR: If, without in any way disturbing a system, we can predict with certainty (i.e. with probability equal to unity) the value of a physical quantity, then there exists an element of physical reality corresponding to this physical quality.

    These notions are controversial but make convincing physical sense. In addition, the non-hermitain theory of single spins provides a way of understanding how the correlations are maintained between the two entangled yet separated particles. It also gives a mechanism for quantum teleportation which is almost prosaic.


    • Yorkshire, England

    • Canadian, British

    • English, Mandarin, Dutch, French

    • 1971



      NRC and McMillan Scholarship
    • 1972



      Molecular Physics group of Professor J. J. M. Beenakker
    • 1974



    • 1976



    • 1979



    • 1991

      Director of Graduate Studies

    • 1990



    • 1986





    • MEMBER


    • 1990



    • MEMBER


    • 1992

      Professor Xujie Yang

      East China Institute of Technology, Nanjing, China.

    • 1993

      Dr. Dennis Isbister

      ADFA, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia.

    • 1998

      Professor M. S. Krishnan

      summers of 1998-2000 and 2002, IIT, Madras, Summer.



    Academic Activities

    1) Invited Seminar “Effects of a Magnetic Field on the Transport Properties of Gases”, Ecole des Mines, Paris, March 1980.
    2) Invited Seminar “New Equation of State for Chain Like Molecules”, Ecole des Mines, Paris, June 1981.
    3) Invited Seminar “Spin Drills in NMR”, Department of Chemistry, York University, UK, November 1981.
    4) Attended Royal Society NMR Meeting, London, December 1981.
    5) The talk, “Multipole NMR, Application to 2 D, Coherence Transfer and Selective Excitation”, was given at the following institutions, being modified to specific audiences (March April 1982):
    University of Nottingham, UK
    University of Warick, UK
    Oxford University, UK
    University of Canterbury, UK
    University of Norfolk, UK
    Queen Elizabeth College, London
    Leeds University, UK
    Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, West Germany
    Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, West Germany
    Eidgenossische High School, Zurich
    6) Physical Chemistry Seminar “Multipole NMR, Application to 2 D, Coherence Transfer and Selective Excitation”, McGill University, October 7, 1982.
    7) Leave of absence, 1981 1982:
    1981 June and July, held a France Quebec exchange at the Ecole des Mines, Paris (accompanied by my graduate student M. Costas).
    1981 (September) to June 15, 1982, at the Department of Chemistry, York University, England.
    8) NMR Seminar Series “Multipole NMR, Application to 2 D Coherence Transfer and Selective Excitation”, Department of Physics, University of British Columbia, November 4, 1982.
    9) Invited Speaker “Multipole NMR”, Magnetic Resonance Gordon Conference, June 20 24, 1983. 45 minutes.
    10) Invited to write a contribution to Advances in Magnetic Resonance with Dr. T.K. Halstead (York) by Prof. J. Waugh.
    11) Invited Speaker to the Waterloo Summer School on NMR to give a 2 hour lecture, June 1983.
    12) Invited Speaker “A Unified Theory of N.M.R.”, Queen’s University, October 19, 1983.
    13) Short course on N.M.R. imaging, Phillips, Eindhoven, Holland, October 31 November 11, 1983.
    14) International Collaborative Exchange/Royal Society UK, June 1984 visit to York University, UK, to collaborate with Dr. T.K. Halstead.
    15) Invited Seminar “Is a spin temperature established in single crystals of KBr?”, NMR Discussion Group, McGill Chemistry, August 1, 1984.
    16) Seminar “Experimental evidence for multipoles in NMR of KBr crystals”, McGill Chemistry, February 7, 1985.
    17) March 1985, visit to T.K. Halstead, York University, 2 weeks (NATO).
    18) Invited Speaker “Multipole NMR”, University of Sherbrooke, January 22, 1986.
    19) Invited Conference Speaker, September 1986, Radiofrequency conference, York University, UK, to present my multipole theory. 40 minutes.
    20) April 1987 Experimental NMR Conference, Baltimore 3 posters
    21) Invited to Waterloo summer school on NMR June 4 12, 1987 to give 3 hours of lectures.
    22) Magnetic Resonance Gordon Conference, June 15 18, 1987, poster.
    23) Invited Speaker (40 mins.) NMR 88, Canberra, Australia, February 12 16, 1988, “Use of Spherical Tensors to Describe Spin Dynamics of Multispin Systems”.
    24) Invited Speaker (3 lectures) University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia, February 20 24, 1988, “Time Dependence and Lie Algebra Applied to Spin Dynamics of Spins”.
    25) Invited Speaker (1 hour) Australian National University, Sydney, Australia, “NMR of Multispins INEPT and DEPT Sequences and Coherence Transfers.
    26) Seminar (1 hour) Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, April 6th, 1988, “Spin Dynamics Using Spherical Tensors”.
    27) Experimental NMR Conference, Rochester, New York, April 17 20, 1988, Poster.
    28) NSERC/Royal Society exchange program to visit T.K. Halstead, York, May July, 1988.
    29) Sabbatical leave 1989 1990, to Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
    30) August 24 30, 1989, 10th Canadian Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry, Banff.
    31) September 1 6, 1989, visit University of York, England, to collaborate with Dr. T. K. Halstead.
    32) September 14, 1989, seminar at Hong Kong Baptist College, “Theory of Composite Pulses and Amplitude Moderation in NMR”.
    33) November 3, 1989, Seminar at Hong Kong Baptist College, “Solid Echoes in NMR of Single Crystals of Spin 3/2 « 7/2.
    34) November 6 14, 1989, gave a series of six two hour lectures at the East China Institute of Technology, Nanjing, China.
    35) November 16, 1989, Fudan University, Department of Physics, Seminar, “Theory of Composite Pulses in NMR”.
    36) December 3, 1989, Research School of Chemistry, ANU, Australia, seminar, “Multipole Theory in NMR and Applications”.
    37) January 15 18, 1990, visit Food Research Division of CSIRO, Sydney, to collaborate on NMR.
    38) March 14 30, 1990, East China Institute of Technology, Nanjing, gave short course on the NMR Theory of Composite Pulses and Pulses”.
    39) April 3 7, 1990, attended ENC, Asilomar, California.
    40) May 28 30, 1990, visited Dr. D. Doddrell at Mater Hospital, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
    41) June 6 7, 1990, visited Dr. R. Bendall, James Cook University, Townesville, Australia.
    42) July 16 17, 1990, attended CIC Halifax meeting and gave twenty minute invited talk, “Some Aspects of Pulses in NMR: Composite Pulses”.
    43) February 17 23, 1991, Visited Kings College, London and U of York, U.K.
    44) May 10 June 5, 1991, Seminars and collaborations in Nanjing, Beijing, Wu Han, China and Taiwan.
    45) Attended ISMAR Conference on NMR, Vancouver, July 20 24, 1992 and gave a poster, “Exponential Operators in NMR”.
    46) Co organizer of The 11th International Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, August 2 7, 1992 with 215 participants.
    47) Visit T. K. Halstead, U of York, UK, February 22 26, 1993.
    48) Invited plenary lecturer at XII International Symposium on NQR, July 19 23, 1993, Zürich.
    49) Invited lecturer: “Automatic Assignment of Proton Resonances from 2 D NMR of Proteins”
    McGill Chemical Society, Nov. 16, 1993
    University of Calgary, Dec. 1, 1993
    University of Alberta, Dec. 2, 1993
    University of British Columbia, Dec. 9, 1993
    University of Victoria, Jan. 13, 1994
    50) Attended Professor M. Bloom’s Symposium and gave a poster, Dec. 5 8, 1993.
    51) Invited speaker: Montreal NMR Discussion Group, February 2, 1994, “Fully Automatic Assignment of Proton Resonances from 2 D NMR of Proteins”
    52) Visited T. K. Halstead, U of York, UK, May 9 14, 1994.
    53) Attended “British Radio Frequency Spectroscopy Meeting”, King’s College, London, September 21, 1994. Poster “Use of Computer Algebra to Solve Long Standing Spin Dynamic Problems”.
    54) Attended “3rd Variety in Chemistry Teaching Meeting”, U of York, UK, September 25 27, 1994. Invited speaker “Use of Multimedia Methods for Teaching Introductory Chemistry to Large Classes”.
    55) Invited Speaker, Queen’s University, November 30, 1994, Title: “Automatic Assignment of Proton Resonances from 2-D NMR of Proteins”.
    56) Attended 12th International Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Aug 7-11, 1995.
    57) October 2-8 1995, Hong Kong ,vistied Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University, gave a seminar “Automatic Assignment of Proton Resonances from 2D NMR of Proteins”.
    58) October 8-21, 1995, Visited Wuhan Institute of Physics, Wuhan, China. Gave a seminar: “Automatic Assignment of Proton Resonances from 2D NMR of Proteins”.
    59) Attended “The International 6th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis”, Oct. 24-27, 1995. Gave an invited lecture, “Automatic Assignment of Proton Resonances from 2D NMR of Proteins”.
    60) October 28-Nov. 3, 1995, Visited Taipai University, Department of Chemistry and Department of Biomedical Sciences, Taipai, Taiwan. Gave a seminar “Automatic Assignment of Proton Resonances from 2D NMR of Proteins”
    61) September 1996 to march 1997, on leave at the Huygen’s Laboratory, Leiden, Holland, with Professor J. Hermans. Gave 4 seminars in this period on multimedia teaching in Leiden. Attended meetings in Lillystad, and Utrecht.
    62) February, 1997, visited Professor Pascal Man, at the University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris.
    63) March to April, 1997, visited Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India (Professor M. S. Krishnan). Gave 3 seminars on the structure of proteins from 2D and 3D NMR.
    64) April 1997, visited Indian Institute of Science in Bangalor India, and gave a seminar on Structure of proteins from NMR.
    65) May, 1998, Invited speaker to the Forth Symposium on Recent Advances in Biophysics, at the Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipai, Taiwan.
    66) May, 1998, Invited speaker, chemistry department, AdademiaSinica, Taipei, “2D NMR of proteins: How CAPRI works”
    67) May 1998, The Normal University of Taiwan, Taipei, “The use of multimedia in teaching science”.
    68) August 1998, Invited speaker to the 13th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry at UBC, gave an invited seminar “Automatic Assignment of Proton Resonances from 2and 3D NMR of Proteins”.
    69) November 1999, Invited Participant in the Queen’s University workshop on the University Bookstore’s Vision Project.
    70) February 2000, Visited the University of York, UK. Collaboration with T. K . Halstead and S. Duckett on quantum computing.
    71) February 2000, Visited Pierre Intefela, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. Discussions of the teaching of introductory thermodynamics.
    72) September 2000, Signed as the third author for the fourth edition of the text book Physical Chemistry by Laidler and Meiser.
    73) September 2000, Signed as the sole author for the first edition of the multimedia component to accompany the text book Physical Chemistry by Laidler and Meiser.
    74) November 2000, Visited the University of York, UK. Collaboration with T. K . Halstead and S. Duckett on quantum computing. Participated in writing the research grant proposal and planned the theoretical and experimental description of a 6 qubit system.
    75) January 2001, Invited speaker at the LearnTec Conference in Karlsruhe, Germany: “The use of Proactive Interactivity and the Use of WebCT in teaching introductory chemistry”
    76) October 18, 2001 WebCT invited talk at ICC McGill “The use of WebCT for teaching large classes”
    77) December 2001, Research visit to the U. of York, quantum computing—1 month.
    78) April 2002, Research visit to IIT, Madras, foundations of quantum mechanics
    79) June, 2002, Research visit with R. F. Snider, UBC, Vancouver—10 days.
    80) Summer 2002, Visit from M. S. Krishnan, IIT Madras for two months.
    81) April 17 to 24, 2003, Vancouver: Quantum Mechanics for macroscopic systems, gave talk: “Entanglement and Disentanglement in Separated systems.”
    82) Talk, MIT, May 5, 2003. “Entanglement and Disentanglement in Separated systems.”
    83) 2003, June 1-6, Vaxjo Sweden: Quantum Theory: reconsideration of foundations. International Conference, Talk: “Entanglement and Disentanglement in Separated systems.”
    84) “The statistical interpretation of entangled states” McGill Chem Soc. September 21, 2004
    85) “The statistical interpretation of entangled states” McGill School of computer science. September 28, 2004
    86) “The statistical interpretation of quantum teleportation” University of Geneva, Switzerland, January 18, 2005
    87) “The statistical interpretation of quantum teleportation” University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, April 13, 2005
    88) Invited 20 minute talk: “The statistical interpretation of entangled states” May 2-6, 2005 9th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations; Besancon France
    89) Signed on as Author for the 5th edition of the text book: Laidler, Meiser, Sanctuary: Physical Chemistry, Houghton Mifflin.
    90) Attended conference, in Honour of Ebner Shimony, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, July 17 to 21, 2006.
    91) 2007, July 9-13, Vaxjo Sweden: Quantum Theory: reconsideration of foundations. International Conference, Talk: “Rationalization of EPR Coincidence Experiments ”
    92) September 2007, meetings with Marian Kupczynski, Department of mathematics University of Ottawa on the understanding of Bell’s Inequalities.
    93) December 17, 2007, meetings with Leslie Ballentine, Physics Department, SFU on dynamics of non-hermitian states.
    94) December 18, 2007, meeting with Bob Snider, Chemistry Department UBC on foundations of quantum mechanics.
    95) February 6, 2008 Meetings Richard Gill U of Leiden, Department of Mathematics on the foundations of Quantum Mechanics
    96) February 7, 2008 University of Utrecht, Department of physics, Dennis Dieks Seminar, “Entanglement and non-hermitain states”.
    97) Friday, February 8, 2008 University of Leiden, Department of physics, Han Woerdman Seminar, “Entanglement and non-hermitain states”.
    98) Monday February 11, Alexei Grinbaum and Etienne Klein at IHPST Paris, Seminar, “Entanglement and non-hermitain states”.
    99) Thursday February 14, 2008 Gunnar Bjork at School of Information and Communication Technology, KTH – Royal Institute of Technology Seminar, “Entanglement and non-hermitain states”.
    100) Friday February 15, 2008, Mohamed Bourennane Alba Nova University, Stockholm, Seminar, “Entanglement and non-hermitain states”.
    101) July 13-16, 2008 Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Optical Society of America conference: Quantum Entanglement and Decoherence: 3rd International Conference on Quantum Information(ICQI)
    102) Invited talk by the physics club: Marianopolis CEGEP October 25, 2008, “The structure of the electron-extending quantum mechanics.”
    103) February 5th 2009, Visit Carlo Beenakker, Lorentz Institute, U. of Leiden, regarding the 0.7 spin anomaly in condensed matter physics.
    104) February 16th 2009, visit Jonathan Jones, Oxford Univeristy, UK, to discuss non-hermitian spin states.
    105) Invited talk: Department of Chemistry, University of Munich, Germany, February 3, 2009 “Entanglement and a spin ½.”
    106) Contributed talk, “Reconsideration of the Foundations of quantum mechanics.”, Vaxjo, Sweden, June 2009, “Two Dimensional Spin”
    107) Invited Plenary Lecture: Chemical Society of Canada, May, 28 2009 “Entanglement and a spin ½.”
    108) Talk: Chemical Society of Canada, May, 28 2009 “Entanglement and a spin ½.”
    109) Talk: Chemical Society of Canada, May, 28 2009 “Physical Chemistry eBook”.
    110) Talk: Information and Quantum Control III, Aug 24-27, 2009, “The Structure of Spin”.
    111) 2012: Seminar: July 18, Indian Institute of Science, Mohali: “Spin, entanglement, non-locality and foundations of quantum mechanics”
    112) 2012: Seminar: July 19, Punjab University, : “Spin, entanglement, non-locality and foundations of quantum mechanics”
    113) 2012: Seminar: July 20, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra: “Spin, entanglement, non-locality and foundations of quantum mechanics”
    114) 2012: Seminar: Juy 31, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore: “Spin, entanglement, non-locality and foundations of quantum mechanics.”
    115) 2012: Gave a series of lectures at IIT Madras in Chennai on Spin theory from July 16 to July 30th under the NPETL (The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning).
    116) 2013; January 22, McGill Chemical Society: “A local realistic reconciliation of the EPR paradox.”
    117) 2013; May 6, UBC: “A local realistic reconciliation of the EPR paradox.”
    118) 2014: March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Denver CO March 10-14.
    119) Visited my research director, Bob Snider, in Vancouver on March 11 2014.
    120) January to June of 2015, Medical Leave



    • 1976

      Dominique Richon

      completed Ph. D. under joint supervision with D. Patterson, "Etude des Alcanes Liquides par une Methode de Spectroscopie Infrarough Utilisant des Sondes Moleculaires".
    • 1977

      Lyndsie Selwyn

      M. Sc. student with NRC and Quebec Scholarships, "Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in Arbitrary Spin Systems".
    • 1977

      Jo Cook Shin

      Supervised Jo Cook Shin during Dr. Eu's sabbatical in summer 1977.
    • J. P. Martin

      Directed J. P. Martin on group theoretical aspects of his project of magnetic circular dichroism.
    • 1980

      Miguel Costas

      completed Ph. D. under joint supervision with D. Patterson, 1980-1985, "Study of Orientational and Equilibrium Properties of r-mers".
    • 1982

      Mangala Sunder Krishnan

      Ph. D. student, "Applications of Irreducible Spherical Tensor Operators to NMR and NQR Spectroscopy", 1982-1988, Ph. D. oral, January 29, 1988.
    • 1983

      Nelson Lee

      Ph. D. student, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Multipulse NMR", 1983-1989, NSERC graduate scholarship.
    • 1983

      J. Campolieti

      Ph. D. student, "Quantum Theoretical Investigations of Field Modulation and Spin Dynamics in NMR/NQR", 1983-1989, NSERC scholarship.
    • 1986

      F. Commodari

      Ph. D. student, "The Investigation of Neurological Disorders Using NMR Spectroscopy Studies on Human Cerebrospinal Fluid, Glioblastoma Cells and Model Systems", 1986-1992.
    • 1992

      Kuo Bin Li

      Ph. D. student, 1992-1996, McGill Major Award, “Development of Computer-Assisted Methods for the Resonance Assignment of Heteronuclear 3D NMR Spectra of Proteins”.
    • 1992

      Tim Dinesen

      Ph. D. student, 1992-1996, (Somner Fellowship) “Application of Density Matrix Theory to Dynamical Problems in the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of I > ½ spin Systems Displaying Orientational Anisotropy”.
    • 1992

      Sergei Ageev

      Ph. D. student, 1992-1997, “Application of Density Matrix Methods to Quadrupolar Spins in Solid State NMR and NQR”.
    • 1997

      Nikolai Skrynnikov

      Ph. D. student, 1992-1997, McGill Major Award, “Effects of Multispin Modes in Intermolecular NMR Relaxation and Chemical Exchange in Liquids”.
    • 1993

      James Choy

      Ph. D. student, 1993-1998, “Using Numerical Methods and Artificial Intelligence in NMR Data Processing and Analyses”.
    • 1976

      Donald F. Heller

      Collisional Energy Transfer
    • 1978

      Frank Garisto

      Theory of IR band shapes and Theory of non-adiabatic spin transitions
    • 1982

      Dr. F. P. Temme

      Research Associate
    • 1985

      Dr. H. B. R. Cole

      Postdoctoral Fellow, American Association of Women Award holder and Graduate faculty grant
    • 1991

      Dr. Xu Jun

      Pattern recognition and spectral prediction
    • 1996

      Dr. Kuo-bin Li

      Converted NMR programs to TRIPOS GUI
    • 1999

      Dr. Wei Chen

      Spin theory and quantum computation
    • 2006

      Dr. Feryal Safinejad

      Foundations of QMR
    • 1982

      Caroline Lee

      Calculation of NMR pulse sequences
    • 1985

      Desiree Cox

      Calculation of multipole relaxation times
    • 1985

      Philip Chibanti

      Nutation spectroscopy
    • 1987

      Michele Milne

      NSERC undergraduate award, summer student
    • 1992

      Suzana Straus

      NSERC undergraduate, summer student, "Protein Structure"
    • 1998

      Natelie Neil

      Use of multimedia to study biochemistry
    • 2000

      Ami Ghandi

      Developed web page and lecture notes for CHEM 110/120
    • 2001

      David Kolin

      Developed web page for general chemistry and prepared lecture notes
    • 2001

      Natalie Carvelho

      Developed web page for general chemistry and prepared lecture notes
    • 2002

      Steven Presse

      Foundations of quantum mechanics: EPR states
    • 2002

      Eric Henderson

      Interpretation of quantum teleportation experiments
    • 2003

      Thomas Lazzara

      Interpretation of quantum teleportation experiments
    • 2003

      Rami Hourani

      Interpretation of quantum teleportation experiments
    • 2004

      Elizabeth Maron

      Organization of chemistry undergraduate courses
    • 2006

      M. Fung

      Clerical assistant

    Bryan Publications


    [01] Ogryzlo, E. A. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Double Molecules in Gases", J. Phys. Chem., 1965, 69, 4422–4423. [ Full Text ]

    [02] Snider, R. F. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Generalized Boltzmann Equation for Molecules with Internal States", J. Chem. Phys., 1971, 55, 1555–1566. [ Full Text ]

    [03] Beenakker, J. J. M., Knaap, H. F. P. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Experimental Information of the Angle Dependent Interaction between Polyatomic Molecules", American Institute of Physics ‑ Conference and Symposium Series, 1973, 11, 1–32. [ Full Text ]

    [04] Keijser, R. A. J., Lombardi, J. R., van den Hout, K. D., de Groot, M., Sanctuary, B. C. and Knaap, H. F. P., "Evidence for Resonance Collisions in Rotational Energy Transfer; Raman Lines of H2", Phys. Lett., 1973, 45A, 3–4. [ Full Text ]

    [05] Sanctuary, B. C., "On the Intramolecular Quadrupole Mechanism of Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in the Gas Phase", Can. J. Physics, 1974, 51, 2488–2494. [ Full Text ]

    [06] Sanctuary, B. C., "On the Role of Nuclear Spin Symmetry Symmetric Top Molecules in Gas Phase Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation", Can. J. Physics, 1974, 52, 387–395. [ Full Text ]

    [07] Sanctuary, B. C., Beenakker, J. J. M. and Coope, J. A. R., "Influence of Nuclear Spin Couplings on the Thermomagnetic Torque in HD", J. Chem. Phys., 1974, 60, 3352–3353. [ Full Text ]

    [08] Sanctuary, B. C. and Snider, R. F., "Non‑exponential Correlation Function in DPR: A Comparison of Experiment and the Distorted Wave Born Approximation", Chem. Phys. Lett., 1974, 28, 305–307. [ Full Text ]

    [09] Keijser, R. A. J., Lombardi, J. R., van den Hout, K. D., Sanctuary, B. C. and Knaap, H. F. P., "The Pressure Broadening of the Rotational Raman Lines of Hydrogen Isotopes", Physica, 1974, 76, 585–608. [ Full Text ]

    [10] Snider, R. F. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Kinetic Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of Polyatomic Molecules", Can. J. Phys., 1975, 53, 707–722. [ Full Text ]

    [11] Snider, R. F. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Gas Phase Spin Relaxation of ZX3Y Molecules in the Dipolar Approximation", Can. J. Phys., 1975, 53, 723–738. [ Full Text ]

    [12] Snider, R. F. and Sanctuary, B. C., "NMR Theory of Gaseous CX3Y Molecules: High Frequency Effects of CF3H", Can. J. Phys., 1975, 53, 739–755. [ Full Text ]

    [13] Coope, J. A. R., Sanctuary, B. C. and Beenakker, J. J. M., "The Influence of Nuclear Spin on the Transport Properties of Gases and Application to HD", Physica, 1975, 79A, 129–170. [ Full Text ]

    [14] Sanctuary, B. C., "Comparison Between the Kinetic Theory and Generalized Master Equation Derivations of Gas Phase Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation", Department of Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry Institute, 1975, TCI Report WIS‑TCI‑520, 1–13, unpublished. [ Full Text ]

    [15] Coombe, D. A., Snider, R. F. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Definitions and Properties of Generalized Collision Cross Sections", J. Chem. Phys., 1975, 63, 3015–3030. [ Full Text ]


    [16] Sanctuary, B. C., "Multipole Operators for an Arbitrary Number of Spins", J. Chem. Phys., 1976, 64, 4352–4361. [ Full Text ]

    [17] Bloom, M., Beckmann, P. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Nuclear Spin Relaxation by Intramolecular Interactions in Gases of Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules", Can. J. Phys., 1976, 54, 2209–2212. [ Full Text ]

    [18] Li, K. W., Eu, B. C. and Sanctuary, B.C., "Semiclassical Evaluation of the Temperature Dependences of Some Kinetic Cross Sections for Nonspherical Molecules", Chem. Phys. Lett., 1977, 50, 162–166. [ Full Text ]

    [19] Sanctuary, B. C., "Relaxation of Nuclear Magnetization at Low Densities", J. Chem. Phys., 1977, 67, 4511–4516. [ Full Text ]

    [20] Snider, R. F. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Initial Slips and Transient Effects in Relaxation Phenomena", J. Chem. Phys., 1977, 67, 5517–5524. [ Full Text ]

    [21] Sanctuary, B. C. and Selwyn, L., "Non‑Lorentzian NMR Spectra at Low Densities", J. Chem. Phys., 1978, 69, 2157–2159. [ Full Text ]

    [22] Sanctuary, B. C. and Richon, D., "Calculation of IR Band Profiles of Diatomic Molecules Dissolved in Liquids", J. Chem. Phys., 1978, 69, 3782–3786. [ Full Text ]

    [23] Sanctuary, B. C. and Selwyn, L., "Accurate Low Density Calculations of the Transverse Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of H2", Chem. Phys., 1979, 39, 201–207. [ Full Text ]

    [24] Sanctuary, B. C., "Energy Dependence of Rotational Cross Sections", Chem. Phys. Lett., 1979, 62, 378–383. [ Full Text ]

    [25] Sanctuary, B. C., "Theory of Nonadiabatic Spin Transitions in Time-Dependent Magnetic Fields", Phys. Rev. A, 1979, 20, 1169–1178. [ Full Text ]

    [26] Sanctuary, B. C., "Magnetic Multipoles in Time Dependent Fields", J. Chem. Phys., 1980, 73, 1048–1053. [ Full Text ]

    [27] Sanctuary, B. C. and Garisto, F., "Magnetic Multipoles in Non‑Resonance Time Dependent Fields", J. Chem. Phys., 1980, 73, 2927–2928. [ Full Text ]

    [28] Snider, R. F., Coope, J. A. R. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Theory of the Senftleben‑Beenakker Effects for NH3 and ND3: Collision Integrals", Physica A, 1980, 103A, 379–410. [ Full Text ]

    [29] Sanctuary, B. C. and Selwyn, L., "Relaxation Equations for Multispin Systems", J. Chem. Phys., 1981, 74, 906–912. [ Full Text ]

    [30] Sanctuary, B. C. and Garisto, F., "Spin Transitions in Time-Dependent Magnetic Fields", Phys. Rev. A, 1981, 23, 1234–1242. [ Full Text ]

    [31] Costas, M., Epstein, H. I., Sanctuary, B. C., Richon, D. and Renon, H., "Equilibrium Theory of r‑mer Fluids", J. Phys. Chem., 1981, 85, 1264–1266. [ Full Text ]

    [32] Gordon, H. L., Rothstein, S. M. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Model Discrimination for Rotational Energy Transfer in the Ar‑N2 System", Chem. Phys. Letters, 1981, 80, 101–105. [ Full Text ]

    [33] Costas, M. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Theory of Pure r‑mers in the Guggenheim Approximation", J. Phys. Chem., 1981, 85, 3153–3160. [ Full Text ]

    [34] Zuckermann, M. J., Pink, D. A., Costas, M. and Sanctuary, B. C., "A Theoretical Model for Phase Transitions in Lipid Monolayers", J. Chem. Phys., 1982, 76, 4206–4216. [ Full Text ]

    [35] Sanctuary, B. C., "Multipole N.M.R. III. Multiplet Spin Theory", Mol. Phys., 1983, 48, 1155–1176. [ Full Text ]

    [36] Sanctuary, B. C., Halstead, T. K. and Osment, P. A., "Multipole N.M.R. IV. Dynamics of Single Spins", Mol. Phys., 1983, 49, 753–784. [ Full Text ]

    [37] Sanctuary, B. C., "Multipole N.M.R. V. Theory of Selective Multiquantum Excitation", Mol. Phys., 1983, 49, 785–801. [ Full Text ]

    [38] Sanctuary, B. C. and Halstead, T. K., "Multipole NMR. VI. Application to Coherence Transfer and 2‑D Spectroscopy in a Spin‑1 System", J. Magn. Reson., 1983, 53, 187–198. [ Full Text ]

    [39] Sanctuary, B. C. and Temme, F. P., "Pulsed NQR: An Example of Selective Excitation", J. Molecul. Struct., 1983, 111, 97–102. [ Full Text ]

    [40] Lee, C. W. B. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Multipole NMR VIII. Evidence for Multipole Echoes for I = 5/2", J. Magn. Reson., 1984, 59, 189–196. [ Full Text ]

    [41] Costas, M. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Equation of State Molecular Parameters for a Theory of pure r‑mer Fluids in the Liquid Phase", Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1984, 18, 47–60. [ Full Text ]

    [42] Halstead, T. K., Sanctuary, B. C. and Osment, P. A., "Multipole NMR. IX. Polar Graphical Representation of Nuclear Spin Polarizations", J. Magn. Reson., 1984, 60, 382–396. [ Full Text ]

    [43] Peters, T. M. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Overview of NMR Image Reconstruction Principles", Technology of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 1984, 15–26. [ Full Text ]


    [44] Sanctuary, B. C., "Multipole NMR. X. Multispin, Multiquantum, Multilinear Operator Bases", J. Magn. Reson., 1985, 61, 116–129. [ Full Text ]

    [45] Sanctuary, B. C., "Multipole N.M.R. XI. Scalar Spin Coupling", Mol. Phys., 1985, 55, 1017–1031. [ Full Text ]

    [46] Campolieti, G., Lee, N. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Multipole N.M.R. XII. Theory of Spin Decoupling", Mol. Phys., 1985, 55, 1033–1047. [ Full Text ]

    [47] Sanctuary, B. C. and Temme, F. P., "Multipole N.M.R. XIII. Multispin Interactions and Symmetry in Liouville Space", Mol. Physics, 1985, 55, 1049–1062. [ Full Text ]

    [48] Temme, F. P. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Symmetry Partitioning over Liouville Space for Evolution under the Anisotropic Quadrupolar Spin‑Spin Interaction", Z. Naturforsch, 1985, 41a, 361–365. [ Full Text ]

    [49] Sanctuary, B. C. and Temme, F. P., "Erratum: Multipole N.M.R. XIII. Multispin Interaction and Symmetry in Liouville Space", Mol. Phys., 1986, 58, 659. [ Full Text ]

    [50] Halstead, T. K., Osment, P. A., Sanctuary, B. C., Tegenfeldt, J. and Lowe, I. J., "Multipole NMR. VII. Bromine NMR Quadrupolar Echoes in Crystalline KBr", J. Magn. Reson., 1986, 67, 267–306. [ Full Text ]

    [51] Sanctuary, B. C. and Krishnan, M. S., "Rotating and Principal‑Axis Frames in Multipole NMR", J. Magn. Reson., 1986, 69, 210–217. [ Full Text ]

    [52] Krishnan, M. S. and Sanctuary, B. C., "A Spherical Tensor Method for Pure NQR", Z. Naturforsch., 1986, 41a, 353–360. [ Full Text ]

    [53] Sanctuary, B. C., "Comments on Spin Dynamics Calculations", J. Magn. Reson., 1986, 67, 166–168. [ Full Text ]

    [54] Temme, F. P. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Symmetry‑adapted Bases and Projection Superoperators of Multiquantum NMR under the Groups S2[x]S2 and S4[x]S2", J. Magn. Reson., 1986, 69, 1–27. [ Full Text ]

    [55] Krishnan, M. S. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Evolution of Spin Density Matrix in Pure NQR", Z. Naturforsch, 1987, 42a, 907–908. [ Full Text ]

    [56] Sanctuary, B. C. and Cole, H. B. R., "Multipole Theory of Composite Pulses", J. Magn. Reson., 1987, 71, 106–115. [ Full Text ]

    [57] Sanctuary, B. C. and Campolieti, G., "General Solution to Axially Symmetric Quadrupole Interaction in NMR of Solids", Can. J. Chem., 1987, 65, 1746–1747. [ Full Text ]

    [58] Campolieti, G. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Dynamics of Single Spin Systems under Arbitrary Amplitude Modulated Fields", J. Chem. Phys., 1987, 87, 4673–4683. [ Full Text ]

    [59] Lee, N., Cole, H. B. R. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Visualization of Pulse Sequences in Frequency Space, with Application to INEPT and DEPT for AX Systems", J. Magn. Reson., 1988, 76, 209–217. [ Full Text ]

    [60] Krishnan, M. S., Lee, N., Cole, Sanctuary, B. C. and Halstead, T. K., "Theory of Three-Pulse Sequences for Systems of Single Spins of I = 5/2", J. Magn. Reson., 1988, 80, 214–224. [ Full Text ]

    [61] Sanctuary, B. C. and Halstead, T. K., "Theory of Spin Dynamics of Multipulse NMR with Application to Single Crystals of KBr", Bulletin of Magn. Reson., 1989, 11, 31–68. [ Full Text ]

    [62] Sanctuary, B. C., "Comment on '2D NMR Nutation Spectroscopy in Solids' by Samosan, A. and Lippmaa, E.”, J. Magn. Reson., 1989, 85, 571–572. [ Full Text ]

    [63] Sanctuary, B. C., Lee, N., Commodari, F., Campolieti, G., Krishnan, M. S. and Lam, M. E., "Operator Space Quantum Numbers for Spin Systems", J. Magn. Reson., 1989, 84, 323–332. [ Full Text ]

    [64] Campolieti, G. and Sanctuary, B. C., "The Wei‑Norman Lie‑Algebra Technique Applied to Field Modulation in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", J. Chem. Phys., 1989, 91, 2108–2123. [ Full Text ]


    [65] Campolieti, G., Sanctuary, B. C. and Cole, H. B. R., "Multipole Theory of Soft Pulses in NMR of Quadrupolar Solids", J. Magn. Reson., 1990, 88, 457–472. [ Full Text ]

    [66] Sanctuary, B. C. and Halstead, T. K., "Multipole NMR", Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance, 1990, 15, 79–161. [ Full Text ]

    [67] Keniry, M. A. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Experimental Verification of the Exact Response of Nuclear Spins to an Exponentially Shaped Pulse", Chem. Phys. Lett., 1990, 172, 295–298. [ Full Text ]

    [68] Lee, N., Cole, Sanctuary, B. C. and Lam, M. E., "Multiple Theory of Composite Pulses. II. Time‑Reversal and Offset Alternating Sequences with Experimental Confirmation", J. Magn. Reson., 1991, 92, 455–467. [ Full Text ]

    [69] Commodari, F., Sanctuary, B. C., Feindel, W. and Shoubridge, E. A., "Alkalosis Monitored by 31P NMR in a Human Glioma Cell Line Exposed to the Anti‑tumor drug 1,3‑bis(2‑Chloroethyl)‑1‑Nitrosourea", Magn. Reson. Med., 1991, 22, 394–403. [ Full Text ]

    [70] Commodari, F., Arnold, D. L., Sanctuary, B. C. and Shoubridge, E. A., "1H NMR Characterization of Normal Human Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Detection of Methylmalonic Acid in a Vitamin B12 Deficient Patient", Magn. Reson. in Med., 1991, 5, 1–9. [ Full Text ]

    [71] Brown, L. R. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Hetero‑TOCSY Experiments with Waltz and DIPSI Mixing Sequences", J. Magn. Reson., 1991, 91, 413–421. [ Full Text ]

    [72] Lee, N., Sanctuary, B. C. and Halstead, T. K., "127I NMR Study of Quadrupolar Echoes in KI", J. Magn. Reson., 1992, 98, 534–555. [ Full Text ]

    [73] Sanctuary, B. C., Isbister, D. J., Wang, X., Lu, L. and Yang, X., "Series Expansion for Composite Pulses in NMR", J. Magn. Reson., 1992, 96, 229–236. [ Full Text ]

    [74] Lu, L., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhou, S., Song, Q. and Sanctuary, B. C., "A Study of PbxSn(9‑x)4‑ By Multinuclear NMR", Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 8, 259–265. [ Full Text ]

    [75] Keniry, M. A. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Experimental Verification of Composite Inversion Pulses Obtained by Series Expansion of the Offset Angle", J. Magn. Reson., 1992, 97, 382–384. [ Full Text ]

    [76] Zhou, J, Gao, H. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Exponential Operator Approach to the General Solution to Off‑Resonances RF Field Interactions", J. Magn. Reson., 1993, A101, 119–121. [ Full Text ]

    [77] Qiu, W., Zeng, W., Zhang, X., Li, C., Lu, L., Wang, X., Yang, X. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Preparation and Characterization of Polyureas from Divalent Metal (Ba, Sr, Pb, Zn) Salts of Sulfanilic Acid", J. App. Poly. Sci., 1993, 49, 405–415. [ Full Text ]

    [78] Wu, D. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Reduction and Suppression of the Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction in Solids by NMR Strong Nutation Spectroscopy", J. Magn. Reson., 1993, A103, 171–174. [ Full Text ]

    [79] Krishnan, M. S., Temme, F. P. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Theory of Pulses in Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy I. Physical Picture", Mol. Phys., 1993, 78, 1385–1404. [ Full Text ]

    [80] Wu, D. and Sanctuary, B. C., "A Novel Multipulse Sequence to Suppress Quadrupolar Interactions in NMR Experiments", J. Magn. Reson., 1993, A105, 268–270. [ Full Text ]

    [81] Yang, X., Keniry, M. A. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Composite Inversion Pulses of Short Total Duration", J. Magn. Reson., 1993, A105, 295–297. [ Full Text ]

    [82] Yang, X., Liu, J., Zhang, X., Lu, L., Wang, X. and Sanctuary, B. C., "An NMR Method for Phase Diagram Determination: The PrCl3‑CH3CONH2‑D2O System", App. Chem. (China), 1993, 10, 43–46. [ Full Text ]

    [83] Xu, J. and Sanctuary, B. C., "CPA: Constrained Partitioning Algorithm for Initial Assignment of Protein 1H Resonances from MQF‑COSY", J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1993, 33, 490–500. [ Full Text ]

    [84] Xu, J., Gray, B. N. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Automated Extraction of Spin Coupling Topologies from 2D NMR Correlation Spectra for Protein 1H Resonance Assignments", J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1993, 33, 475–489. [ Full Text ]

    [85] Xu, J., Strauss, S. K., Sanctuary, B. C. and Trimble, L., "Automation of Protein 2D Proton NMR Assignment by Means of Fuzzy Mathematics and Graph Theory", J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1993, 33, 668–682. [ Full Text ]

    [86] Yang, X., Qiu, W., Li, C., Zeng, W., Liu, J., Lu, L., Wang, X. and Sanctuary, B. C., "A Solid‑State 13C NMR Spectroscopic Study of Metal‑Containing Polyimides", Polymer, 1994, 35, 4300–4302. [ Full Text ]

    [87] Xu, J., Strauss, S. K., Sanctuary, B. C. and Trimble, L., "Use of Fuzzy Mathematics for Complete Automated Assignment of Peptide 1H 2D NMR Spectra", J. Magn. Reson., 1994, B103, 53–58. [ Full Text ]

    [88] Ageev, S. Z., Isbister, D. J. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Composite Pulses in Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance", Mol. Phys., 1994, 83, 193–210. [ Full Text ]

    [89] Sanctuary, B. C. and Krishnan, M. S., "Theory of NQR Pulses", Z. Naturforsch, 1994, 49a, 71–79. [ Full Text ]

    [90] Ageev, S. Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Shaped Pulses in NQR", Chem. Phys. Lett., 1994, 225, 499–502. [ Full Text ]

    [91] Skrynnikov, N. R., Zhou, J. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Classification of Cyclic Initial State and Geometric Phase for Spin‑j System", J. Phys. A., 1994, 27, 6253–6265. [ Full Text ]

    [92] Dinesen, T. R. J. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Relaxation of Anisotropically Oriented I = 3/2 Nuclei in the Multipole Basis: Evolution of the Second Rank Tensor in the Double Quantum Filtered Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiment", J. Chem. Phys., 1994, 101, 7372–7380. [ Full Text ]

    [93] Zhou, J., Ye, C. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Rotation Operator Approach to Spin Dynamics and the Euler Geometric Equations", J. Chem. Phys., 1994, 101, 6424–6429. [ Full Text ]

    [94] Skrynnikov, N. R. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Geometric Phase in NMR Interferometry Experiment", Mol. Phys., 1994, 83, 1133–1144. [ Full Text ]


    [95] Ageev, S. Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Analytical Solution for Spin 7/2 Line Intensities in Solid State NMR", Mol. Phys., 1995, 84, 835–844. [ Full Text ]

    [96] Isbister, D. J., Krishnan, M. S. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Use of Computer Algebra for the Study of Quadrupole Spin Systems", Mol. Phys., 1995, 86, 1517–1535. [ Full Text ]

    [97] Zhou, J., Ye, C. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Response of Coupled System to On-Resonance Amplitude-Modulated RF Pulses", Mol. Phys., 1996, 87, 679–689. [ Full Text ]

    [98] Dinesen, T. R. J., Sanctuary, B. C. and Meyer, H., "Theory of Pulsed NMR Studies on Solid D2", Phys. Rev. B, 1996, 54, 6481–6493. [ Full Text ]

    [99] Ageev, S. Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Selective Excitation of Single and Multiple Quantum Transitions for Spin 7/2 in NQR", Mol. Phys., 1996, 87, 1423–1438. [ Full Text ]

    [100] Ageev, S. Z., Man, P. P. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Solomon Echoes for Spin 7/2 by Soft Pulse Excitation", Mol. Phys., 1996, 88, 1277–1292. [ Full Text ]

    [101] Ageev, S. Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Analytical Solutions for Spin 3/2 Off-Resonance Line Intensities in Solid State NMR", Chem. Phys. Lett., 1996, 255, 71–78. [ Full Text ]

    [102] Li, K. B. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Automated Extracting of Amino Acid Spin Systems in Proteins Using 3D HCCH-COSY /TOCSY Spectroscopy and Constrained Partitioning Algorithm", J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1996, 36, 585–593. [ Full Text ]

    [103] Li, K. B. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Automated Resonance Assignment of Proteins Using 3D Heteronuclear NMR. 2. Side Chain and Sequence-Specific Assignment", J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1997, 37, 467–477. [ Full Text ]

    [104] Skrynnikov, N. R., Khazanovich, T. N. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Intermolecular Relaxation Involving Coupled Spin Systems: A Simplified Approach to Solvent Induced Relaxation", Mol. Phys., 1997, 91, 977–992. [ Full Text ]

    [105] Choy, W. Y., Sanctuary, B. C. and Zhu, G., "Using Neural Network Predicted Secondary Structure Information in Automatic Protein NMR Assignment", J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1997, 37, 1086–1094. [ Full Text ]

    [106] Zhu, G., Choy, W. Y., Song, G. Q. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Suppression of Diagonal Peaks with Singular Value Decomposition", J. Magn. Reson., 1998, 132, 176–178. [ Full Text ]

    [107] Choy, W. Y. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Using Genetic Algorithms with a Priori Knowledge for Quantitative NMR Signal Analysis", Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1998, 38, 685–690. [ Full Text ]

    [108] Zhu, G., Choy, W. Y. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Spectral Parameter Estimations by an Iterative Quadratic Maximum Likelihood Method", J. Magn. Reson., 1998, 135, 37–43. [ Full Text ]


    [109] Chen, W., Hida, Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Critical Properties of the Spin-1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain with Bond Alternation and Uniaxial Single-Ion-Type Anisotropy", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2000, 69, 237. [ Full Text ]

    [110] Chen, W., Hida, Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Critical Properties of the Spin-1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain with Bond Alternation and Uniaxial Single-Ion-Type Anisotropy", Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 2000, No. 138, 527–528. [ Full Text ]

    [111] Sanctuary, B. C., "Structure Determination by NMR Spectroscopy" in "Evolutionary Algorithms in Molecular Design", edited by David E. Clarke, Whiley-VCH, 2000, 195–221. [ Full Text ]

    [112] Chen, W., Hida, Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Magnetization Plateaus in Antiferromagnetic-(Ferromagnetic) Polymerized S = 1/2 XXZ chains", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2000, 69, 3414. [ Full Text ]

    [113] Separovic, F., Skrynnikov, N. R. and Sanctuary, B.C., "Selective On-Resonance Irradiation of a Dipolar Doublet", Aust. J. Chem., 2000, 53, 355–361. [ Full Text ]

    [114] Chen, W., Hida, Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Magnetization Plateaus and Phase Diagram in Polymerized S =1/2 XXZ chains", Phys. Rev. B., 2001, 63, 134427, 1–5. [ Full Text ]

    [115] Laidler, K., Meiser, J. and Sanctuary, B. C., Physical Chemistry, 4th edition, Houghton Mifflin Co, 2002. [116] Chen, W., Hida, Z. and Sanctuary, B. C., "Ground State Phase Diagram of S = 1 XXZ Chains with Uniaxial Single-Ion- Type Anisotropy", Phys. Rev. B., 2003, 67, 104401, 1–7. [ Full Text ]

    [117] Sanctuary, B. C., "Quantum Correlations between Separated Particles", 2003, quant-ph/0304186, 1–15. [ Full Text ]

    [118] Sanctuary, B. C., Krishnan, M. S., Pressé, S. and Chen, W., "Quantum 'Teleportation' using Local Correlations", 2003, quant-ph/0304187, 1– 8. [ Full Text ]

    [119] Sanctuary, B. C., Pressé, S., Lazzara, T. D., Henderson, E. J. and Hourani, R. F., "Interpretation of 'Non-Local' Experiments Using Disentanglement", 2003, quant-ph/0308026, 1–9. [ Full Text ]

    [120] Sanctuary, B. C., "The Statistical Interpretation of Entangled States", 2004, quant phy/0404011, 1–19. [ Full Text ]

    [121] Sanctuary, B. C., "Correlations in Entangled States", Int. J. Phys. B., 2006, 20, 1496–1503. [ Full Text ]

    [122] Sanctuary, B. C. and Temme, F. P., "Branching Rules & Determinacy Criteria for SU(m) x S2n ↓ G Automorphic NMR Spin Symmetries: Roles of Schur (λ) Decomposition & Multicolour Lattice-Point Projective Modelling (of {χi}(Ci(A5)) Invariances) in [λ](SU(3) x S20 ↓ A5) Mapping", Algo. Phys., 2005, 11, 1–11. [ Full Text ]




    Is the Fair Sampling Assumption Supported by EPR Experiments?

    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2007, 40, 131–141.

    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected Adenier, G. and Yu Khrennikov, A.

    Is the Fair Sampling Assumption Supported by EPR Experiments?

    Adenier, G. and Yu Khrennikov, A.
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    quant-ph/0501010, 1–4.

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    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    Comparing Quantum and Classical Correlations in a Quantum Eraser

    Phys. Rev. A., 2005, 71, 1–6.

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    Gogo, A., Snyder, W. D. and Beck, M.
    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    Spherical Tensor Analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signals

    J. Chem. Phys., 2005, 122, 1–12.

    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected van Beek, J. D., Carravetta, M., Antonioli, G. C. and Levitt, M. H.

    Spherical Tensor Analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signals

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    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    Minimal Assumption Derivation of a Bell-type Inequality

    Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 2005, 56, 663–680.

    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected Graßhoff, G., Portmann, S. and Wüthrich, A.

    Minimal Assumption Derivation of a Bell-type Inequality

    Graßhoff, G., Portmann, S. and Wüthrich, A.
    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    EPR-B Correlations: Quantum Mechanics, or Just Geometry?

    J. Opt. B.: Quantum Semiclass. Opt., 2004, 6, S544–S548.

    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected Kracklauer, A. F.

    EPR-B Correlations: Quantum Mechanics, or Just Geometry?

    Kracklauer, A. F.
    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    Distribution of Time-Bin Entangled Qubits over 50 km of Optical Fiber

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2004, 93, 1–4.

    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected Marcikic, I., Riedmatten, H. de, Tittel, W., Zbinden, H., Legré, M. and Gisin, N.

    Distribution of Time-Bin Entangled Qubits over 50 km of Optical Fiber

    Marcikic, I., Riedmatten, H. de, Tittel, W., Zbinden, H., Legré, M. and Gisin, N.
    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    The Chaotic Chameleon

    quant-ph/0307217, 1–9.

    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected Gill, R. D.

    The Chaotic Chameleon

    Gill, R. D.
    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    Bell’s Inequality and the Coincidence-Time Loophole

    quant-ph/0312035, 1–8.

    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected Larsson, J. A. and Gill, R. D.

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    Larsson, J. A. and Gill, R. D.
    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    Hidden Variables and Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics

    quant-ph/0412011, 1–92

    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected Hemmick, D. L.

    Hidden Variables and Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics

    Hemmick, D. L.
    2004-PresentOther Publications Selected

    Quantum Erasure

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    quant-ph/0304115, 1–4.

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    Quantum Entanglement with Acousto-Optic Modulators: Two-Photon Beats and Bell Experiments with Moving Beam Splitters

    Phys. Rev. A., 2003, 042115, 1–13.

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    Phys. Rev. A., 2003, 032302, 1–4.

    2003Other Publications Selected Bowen, W. P., Treps, N., Buchler, B. C., Schnabel, R., Ralph, T. C., Bachor, H. A., Symul, T. and Lam, P. K.

    Experimental Investigation of Continuous-Variable Quantum Teleportation

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    2003Other Publications Selected

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    Phys. Rev. A., 2003, 030101, 1–4

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    2003Other Publications Selected

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    Phys. Rev. A., 2003, 022301, 1–5.

    2003Other Publications Selected Riedmatten, H. de, Marcikic, I., Tittel, W., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.

    Quantum Interference with Photon Pairs Created in Spatially Separated Sources

    Riedmatten, H. de, Marcikic, I., Tittel, W., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.
    2003Other Publications Selected

    Experimental Realization of Freely Propagating Teleported Qubits

    Nature, 2003, 421, 721–725

    2003Other Publications Selected Pan, J., Gasparoni, S., Aspelmeyer, M., Jennewein, T. and Zellinger, A.

    Experimental Realization of Freely Propagating Teleported Qubits

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    2003Other Publications Selected

    Long-Distance Teleportation of Qubits at Telecommunication Wavelengths

    Nature, 2003, 421, 509–513.

    2003Other Publications Selected Marcikic, I., Riedmatten, H. de, Tittel, W., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.

    Long-Distance Teleportation of Qubits at Telecommunication Wavelengths

    Marcikic, I., Riedmatten, H. de, Tittel, W., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.
    2003Other Publications Selected

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    Classical Bell’s Inequalities

    Noninski, V. C.
    2003Other Publications Selected

    Continuous Variable Polarization Entanglement, Experiment and Analysis

    J. Opt. B.: Quantum Semiclass. Opt., 2003, 5, S467–S478.

    2003Other Publications Selected Bowen, W. P., Treps, N., Schnabel, R., Ralph, T. C. and Lam, P. K.

    Continuous Variable Polarization Entanglement, Experiment and Analysis

    Bowen, W. P., Treps, N., Schnabel, R., Ralph, T. C. and Lam, P. K.
    2003Other Publications Selected

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    Woesler, R.
    2003Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Disentanglement in Long-Range Orders and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

    quant-ph/0205272, 1–10.

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    Shi, Y.
    2003Other Publications Selected

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    quant-ph/0309085, 1–4.

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    quant-ph/0301181, 1–4.

    2003Other Publications Selected Gisin, N., Marcikic, I., Riedmatten, H. de, Tittel, W. and Zbinden, H.

    Quantum Communications with Time-Bin Entangled Photons: Long Distance Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Repeaters

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    quant-ph/0207180, 1–17.

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    2003Other Publications Selected

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    quant-ph/0207181, 1–7

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    quant-ph/0305105, 1–12.

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    A Simple Experiment for Discussion of Quantum Interference and Which-Way Measurement

    Am. J. Physics., 2002, 70, 266–271.

    2002Other Publications Selected Schneider, M. B. and LaPuma, I. A.

    A Simple Experiment for Discussion of Quantum Interference and Which-Way Measurement

    Schneider, M. B. and LaPuma, I. A.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    The Improbability of Nonlocality

    Physics Essays, 2002, 15, 162–171.

    2002Other Publications Selected Kracklauer, A. F. and Kracklauer, N. A.

    The Improbability of Nonlocality

    Kracklauer, A. F. and Kracklauer, N. A.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Experimental Investigation of the Robustness of Partially Entangled Qubits over 11 km

    Phys. Rev. A., 2002, 66, 062304, 1–5.

    2002Other Publications Selected Thew, R. T., Tanzilli, S., Tittel, W., Zbinden, H. and Gisin N.

    Experimental Investigation of the Robustness of Partially Entangled Qubits over 11 km

    Thew, R. T., Tanzilli, S., Tittel, W., Zbinden, H. and Gisin N.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Entanglement and Squeezing of the Quadrature Difference of Bright Light Fields

    Phys. Rev. A., 2002, 66, 042319, 1–7.

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    Zhang, J., Xie, C. and Peng, K.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Polarization Entanglement in a Crystal with Threefold Symmetry

    Phys. Rev. A., 2002, 66, 033814, 1–7.

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    Visser, J., Eliel, E. R. and Nienhuis, G.
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    Quantum Key Distribution Over 67 km with a Plug & Play System

    New Journal of Physics, 2002, 4, 41.1–41.8.

    2002Other Publications Selected Stucki, D., Gisin, N., Guinnard, O., Ribordy, G. and Zbinden, H.

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    Stucki, D., Gisin, N., Guinnard, O., Ribordy, G. and Zbinden, H.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    One Less Quantum Mystery

    J. Opt. B.: Quantum Semiclass. Opt., 2002, 4, S469–S472.

    2002Other Publications Selected Kracklauer, A. F.

    One Less Quantum Mystery

    Kracklauer, A. F.
    2002Other Publications Selected

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    J. Opt. B.: Quantum Semiclass. Opt., 2002, 4, S121–S126.

    2002Other Publications Selected Kracklauer, A. F.

    Is ‘Entanglement’ Always Entangles?

    Kracklauer, A. F.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Time-Bin Entangled Qubits for Quantum Communication Created by Femtosecond Pulses

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    Time-Bin Entangled Qubits for Quantum Communication Created by Femtosecond Pulses

    Marcikic, I., Riedmatten, H. D., Tittel, W., Scarani, V., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Multiparameter Entanglement in Femtosecond Parametric Down-Conversion

    Phys. Rev. A., 2002, 65, 023808, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Atature, M., Giuseppe, G. D., Shaw, M. D., Sergienko, A. V., Saleh, B. E. A. and Teich, M. C.

    Multiparameter Entanglement in Femtosecond Parametric Down-Conversion

    Atature, M., Giuseppe, G. D., Shaw, M. D., Sergienko, A. V., Saleh, B. E. A. and Teich, M. C.
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    2002Other Publications Selected Aspect, A.

    Bell’s Theorem: the Naïve View of an Experimentalist

    Aspect, A.
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    ‘Nonclassical’ States in Quantum Optics: A ‘Squeezed’ Review of the First 75 Years

    J. Opt. B.: Quantum Semiclass. Opt., 2002, 4, R1–R33.

    2002Other Publications Selected Dodonov, V. V.

    ‘Nonclassical’ States in Quantum Optics: A ‘Squeezed’ Review of the First 75 Years

    Dodonov, V. V.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Entangled-Photon Fourier Optics

    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., 2002, 19, 1174–1184.

    2002Other Publications Selected Abouraddy, A. F., Saleh, B. E. A., Sergienko, A. V. and Teich, M. C.

    Entangled-Photon Fourier Optics

    Abouraddy, A. F., Saleh, B. E. A., Sergienko, A. V. and Teich, M. C.
    2002Other Publications Selected

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    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2002, 017903, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Jennewein, T., Weihs, G., Pan, J. W. and Zeilinger, A.

    Exponential Nonlocality Proof of Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement Swapping

    Jennewein, T., Weihs, G., Pan, J. W. and Zeilinger, A.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    A Local Varaible Model for Entanglement Swapping Exploiting the Detection Loophole

    Phys. Lett. A., 2002, 297, 279–284.

    2002Other Publications Selected Gisin, N. and Gisin, B.

    A Local Varaible Model for Entanglement Swapping Exploiting the Detection Loophole

    Gisin, N. and Gisin, B.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Comment on ‘Exclusion of Time in the Theorem of Bell’ by K. Hess and W. Philipp

    2002, quant-ph/0206076, 1–2.

    2002Other Publications Selected Svozil, K.

    Comment on ‘Exclusion of Time in the Theorem of Bell’ by K. Hess and W. Philipp

    Svozil, K.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Mixed Collective States of Many Spins

    2002, quant-ph/0201043, 1–7.

    2002Other Publications Selected Wesenberg, J. and Mølmer, K.

    Mixed Collective States of Many Spins

    Wesenberg, J. and Mølmer, K.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Topological Decomposition of Composite Quantum State Spaces

    2002, quant-ph/0201111, 1–3.

    2002Other Publications Selected Walck, S. N.

    Topological Decomposition of Composite Quantum State Spaces

    Walck, S. N.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Entanglement and Perfect Quantum Error Correction

    2002, quant-ph/0201061, 1–10.

    2002Other Publications Selected Schumacher, B. and Westmoreland, M. D.

    Entanglement and Perfect Quantum Error Correction

    Schumacher, B. and Westmoreland, M. D.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Scaling of Entanglement Close to a Quantum Phase Transitions

    2002, quant-ph/0202029, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Osterloh, A., Amico, L., Falci, G. and Fazio, R.

    Scaling of Entanglement Close to a Quantum Phase Transitions

    Osterloh, A., Amico, L., Falci, G. and Fazio, R.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Conditions for the Confirmation of Three-Particle Non-Locality

    2002, quant-ph/0202009, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Mitchell, P., Popescu, S. and Roberts, D.

    Conditions for the Confirmation of Three-Particle Non-Locality

    Mitchell, P., Popescu, S. and Roberts, D.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Multipartite Entanglement for Entanglement Teleportation

    2002, quant-ph/0201069, 1–5.

    2002Other Publications Selected Lee, J., Min, H. and Oh, S. D.

    Multipartite Entanglement for Entanglement Teleportation

    Lee, J., Min, H. and Oh, S. D.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation with a Finite-Basis Entanglement Resource

    2002, quant-ph/0201094, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Kurzeja, S. I. J. and Parkins, A. S.

    Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation with a Finite-Basis Entanglement Resource

    Kurzeja, S. I. J. and Parkins, A. S.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Entanglement between External Degrees of Freedom of Atoms Via

    2002, quant-ph/0201086, 1–9.

    2002Other Publications Selected Khalique, A. and Saif, F.

    Entanglement between External Degrees of Freedom of Atoms Via

    Khalique, A. and Saif, F.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    On the Role of Entanglement in Quantum Computational Speed-Up

    2002, quant-ph/0201143, 1–22.

    2002Other Publications Selected Jozsa, R. and Linden, N.

    On the Role of Entanglement in Quantum Computational Speed-Up

    Jozsa, R. and Linden, N.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Are the Laws of Entanglement Theory Thermodynamics?

    2002, quant-ph/0207177, 1–5.

    2002Other Publications Selected Horodecki, M, Oppenheim, J. and Horodecki, R.

    Are the Laws of Entanglement Theory Thermodynamics?

    Horodecki, M, Oppenheim, J. and Horodecki, R.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Matching Theory (with New Complexity Theoretic, Combinatorial and Topological Insights on the Nature of the Quantum Entanglement)

    2002, quant-ph/0201022, 1–10.

    2002Other Publications Selected Gurvits, L.

    Quantum Matching Theory (with New Complexity Theoretic, Combinatorial and Topological Insights on the Nature of the Quantum Entanglement)

    Gurvits, L.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    All Entanglement in a Multipartite System

    2002, quant-ph/0201079, 1–10.

    2002Other Publications Selected Shi, Y.

    All Entanglement in a Multipartite System

    Shi, Y.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Activating NPPT Distillation with an Infinitesimal Amount of Bound Entanglement

    2002, quant-ph/0201103, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Vollbrecht, K. G. H. and Wolf, M. M.

    Activating NPPT Distillation with an Infinitesimal Amount of Bound Entanglement

    Vollbrecht, K. G. H. and Wolf, M. M.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Failure of Effective Potential Approaches: Nucleus-Electron Entanglement in the He+- Ion

    2002, quant-ph/0201135, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Gemmer, J. and Mahler, G.

    Failure of Effective Potential Approaches: Nucleus-Electron Entanglement in the He+- Ion

    Gemmer, J. and Mahler, G.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Coherent States and Some Topics in Quantum Information Theory: Review

    2002, quant-ph/0207178, 1–14.

    2002Other Publications Selected Fujii, K.

    Coherent States and Some Topics in Quantum Information Theory: Review

    Fujii, K.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Pairwise Entanglement in the XX Model with a Magnetic Impurity

    2002, quant-ph/0201025, 1–9.

    2002Other Publications Selected Fu, H., Solomon, A. I. and Wang, X.

    Pairwise Entanglement in the XX Model with a Magnetic Impurity

    Fu, H., Solomon, A. I. and Wang, X.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Information and Fundamental Elements of the Structure of Quantum Theory

    2002, quant-ph/0212084, 1–22.

    2002Other Publications Selected Brukner, Č. and Zeilinger, A.

    Information and Fundamental Elements of the Structure of Quantum Theory

    Brukner, Č. and Zeilinger, A.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Scalable Ion Trap Quantum Computation with Pairwise Interactions Only

    2002, quant-ph/0207155, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Brown, K. R., Vala, J. and Whaley, K. B.

    Scalable Ion Trap Quantum Computation with Pairwise Interactions Only

    Brown, K. R., Vala, J. and Whaley, K. B.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Towards the Classical Communication Complexity of Entanglement Distillation Protocols with Incomplete Information

    2002, quant-ph/0207090, 1–20.

    2002Other Publications Selected Ambainis, A. and Tang, K.

    Towards the Classical Communication Complexity of Entanglement Distillation Protocols with Incomplete Information

    Ambainis, A. and Tang, K.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Experimental Investigation of Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation

    2002, quant-ph/0207179, 1–4.

    2002Other Publications Selected Bowen, W. P., Treps, N., Buchler, B. C., Schnabel, R., Ralph, T. C., Bachor, H. A., Symul, T. and Lam, P. K.

    Experimental Investigation of Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation

    Bowen, W. P., Treps, N., Buchler, B. C., Schnabel, R., Ralph, T. C., Bachor, H. A., Symul, T. and Lam, P. K.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Information-Theoretical Meaning of Quantum Dynamical Entropy

    2002, quant-ph/0201012, 1–6.

    2002Other Publications Selected Alicki, R.

    Information-Theoretical Meaning of Quantum Dynamical Entropy

    Alicki, R.
    2002Other Publications Selected

    Complementarity or Schizophrenia: Is Probability in Quantum Mechanics Information or Onta?

    Fond. Prob. Phys., 2001, 219–235.

    2001Other Publications Selected Kracklauer, A. F.

    Complementarity or Schizophrenia: Is Probability in Quantum Mechanics Information or Onta?

    Kracklauer, A. F.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Bell’s Inequality: More Tests are Needed

    2001, quant-ph/0102139, 1–2.

    2001Other Publications Selected Vaidman, L.

    Bell’s Inequality: More Tests are Needed

    Vaidman, L.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Hidden-Variable Theorems for Real Experiments

    2001, quant-ph/0006043, 1–4.

    2001Other Publications Selected Simon, C., Brukner, Č. and Zeilinger, A.

    Hidden-Variable Theorems for Real Experiments

    Simon, C., Brukner, Č. and Zeilinger, A.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Teleportation with Indistinguishable Particles

    2001, quant-ph/0102025, 1–8.

    2001Other Publications Selected Marinatto, L. and Weber, T.

    Teleportation with Indistinguishable Particles

    Marinatto, L. and Weber, T.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Teleportation

    Ann. Phys., 2001, 10, 19–34.

    2001Other Publications Selected Shih, Y. H.

    Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Teleportation

    Shih, Y. H.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Nuclear-Spin Qubit Dephasing Time in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect Regime

    Phys. Rev. B., 2001, 63, 085313, 1–6.

    2001Other Publications Selected Mozyrsky, D., Privman, V. and Vagner, I. D.

    Nuclear-Spin Qubit Dephasing Time in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect Regime

    Mozyrsky, D., Privman, V. and Vagner, I. D.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Double-Occupancy Errors, Adiabaticity, and Entanglement of Spin Qubits in Quantum Dots

    Phys. Rev. B., 2001, 63, 085311, 1–8.

    2001Other Publications Selected Schliemann, J., Loss, D. and MacDonald, A. H.

    Double-Occupancy Errors, Adiabaticity, and Entanglement of Spin Qubits in Quantum Dots

    Schliemann, J., Loss, D. and MacDonald, A. H.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Experimental Entaglement Distillation and ‘Hidden’ Non-Locality

    Nature, 2001, 409, 1014–1017.

    2001Other Publications Selected Kwiat, P. G., Barraza-Lopez, S., Stefanov, A. and Gisin, N.

    Experimental Entaglement Distillation and ‘Hidden’ Non-Locality

    Kwiat, P. G., Barraza-Lopez, S., Stefanov, A. and Gisin, N.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Experimental Violation of a Bell’s Inequality with Efficient Detection

    Nature, 2001, 409, 791–794.

    2001Other Publications Selected Rowe, M. A., Kielpinski, D., Meyer, V., Sackett, C. A., Itano, W. M., Monroe, C. and Wineland, D. J.

    Experimental Violation of a Bell’s Inequality with Efficient Detection

    Rowe, M. A., Kielpinski, D., Meyer, V., Sackett, C. A., Itano, W. M., Monroe, C. and Wineland, D. J.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Teleportation: from Probability Distributions to Quantum States

    J. Phys. Math. Gen., 2001, 34, 6949–6955.

    2001Other Publications Selected Koniorczyk, M., Kiss, T. and Janszky, J.

    Teleportation: from Probability Distributions to Quantum States

    Koniorczyk, M., Kiss, T. and Janszky, J.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Multibit Gates for Quantum Computing

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2001, 86, 3907–3910.

    2001Other Publications Selected Wang, X., Sørensen, A. and Mølmer, K.

    Multibit Gates for Quantum Computing

    Wang, X., Sørensen, A. and Mølmer, K.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Long Distance, Unconditional Teleportation of Atomic States via Complete Bell State Measurements

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2001, 87, 16, 1–4.

    2001Other Publications Selected Lloyd, S., Shahriar, M. S. and Shapiro, J. H.

    Long Distance, Unconditional Teleportation of Atomic States via Complete Bell State Measurements

    Lloyd, S., Shahriar, M. S. and Shapiro, J. H.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Teleportation of a Polarization State with a Complete Bell State Measurement

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2001, 86, 1370–1373.

    2001Other Publications Selected Kim, Y. H., Kulik, S. P. and Shih, Y.

    Quantum Teleportation of a Polarization State with a Complete Bell State Measurement

    Kim, Y. H., Kulik, S. P. and Shih, Y.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Computing and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

    Phys. Chem. Comm., 2001, 11, 1–8.

    2001Other Publications Selected Jones, J. A.

    Quantum Computing and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

    Jones, J. A.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    NMR Quantum Computation

    Prog. Nuc. Mag. Res. Spec., 2001, 38, 325–360.

    2001Other Publications Selected Jones, J. A.

    NMR Quantum Computation

    Jones, J. A.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Coherent-State Approach to Entanglement and Teleportation

    Fortschr. Phys., 2001, 49, 993–1000.

    2001Other Publications Selected Janszky, J., Gábris, A., Koniorczyk, M., Vukics, A. and Adam, P.

    Coherent-State Approach to Entanglement and Teleportation

    Janszky, J., Gábris, A., Koniorczyk, M., Vukics, A. and Adam, P.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    From Classical State Swapping to Quantum Teleportation

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 65, 012320, 1–6.

    2001Other Publications Selected Mermin, N. D.

    From Classical State Swapping to Quantum Teleportation

    Mermin, N. D.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Exploring Hilbert Space: Accurate Characterization of Quantum Information

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 65, 012301, 1–4.

    2001Other Publications Selected White, A. G., James, D. F. V., Munro, W. J. and Kwiat, P. G.

    Exploring Hilbert Space: Accurate Characterization of Quantum Information

    White, A. G., James, D. F. V., Munro, W. J. and Kwiat, P. G.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    One-Complex-Plane Representation Approach to Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 64, 034302, 1–4.

    2001Other Publications Selected Janszky, J., Koniorczyk, M. and Gábris, A.

    One-Complex-Plane Representation Approach to Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation

    Janszky, J., Koniorczyk, M. and Gábris, A.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Wigner-Function Description of Quantum Teleportation in Arbitrary Dimensions and a Continuous Limit

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 64, 034301, 1–4.

    2001Other Publications Selected Koniorczyk, M., Bužek, V. and Janszky, J.

    Wigner-Function Description of Quantum Teleportation in Arbitrary Dimensions and a Continuous Limit

    Koniorczyk, M., Bužek, V. and Janszky, J.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    High-Effieciency Entangled Pair Collection in Type-II Parametric Fluorescence

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 64, 023802, 1–4.

    2001Other Publications Selected Kurtsiefer, C., Oberparleitier, M. and Weinfurter, H.

    High-Effieciency Entangled Pair Collection in Type-II Parametric Fluorescence

    Kurtsiefer, C., Oberparleitier, M. and Weinfurter, H.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Cloning and Teleportation Criteria for Continuous Quantum Variables

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 64, 010301, 1–4.

    2001Other Publications Selected Grosshans, F. and Grangier, P.

    Quantum Cloning and Teleportation Criteria for Continuous Quantum Variables

    Grosshans, F. and Grangier, P.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Experimental Test of Nonlocal Quantum Correlation in Relativistic Configurations

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 63, 022111, 1–10.

    2001Other Publications Selected Zbinden, H., Brendel, J., Gisin, N. and Tittel, W.

    Experimental Test of Nonlocal Quantum Correlation in Relativistic Configurations

    Zbinden, H., Brendel, J., Gisin, N. and Tittel, W.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Count them All

    Nature, 2001, 409, 774–775.

    2001Other Publications Selected Grangier, P.

    Count them All

    Grangier, P.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Understanding Quantum Entanglement of Bipartite System Based on Bell Inequality

    2001, quant-ph/0112155, 1–5.

    2001Other Publications Selected Fu, L. B., Chen, J. L., Zhao, X. G. and Chen, S. G.

    Understanding Quantum Entanglement of Bipartite System Based on Bell Inequality

    Fu, L. B., Chen, J. L., Zhao, X. G. and Chen, S. G.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    The Essence of Entanglement

    2001, quant-ph/0106119, 1–10.

    2001Other Publications Selected Brukner, Č., Żukowski, M. and Zeilinger, A.

    The Essence of Entanglement

    Brukner, Č., Żukowski, M. and Zeilinger, A.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    The Histories Interpretation of Quantum Theory and the Problem of Human/Divine Action


    2001Other Publications Selected Clarke, C.

    The Histories Interpretation of Quantum Theory and the Problem of Human/Divine Action

    Clarke, C.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Demonstration of the Complementarity of One- and Two-Photon Interference

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 63, 063803, 1–6.

    2001Other Publications Selected Abouraddy, A. F., Nasr, M. B., Saleh, B. E. A., Sergienko, A. V. and Teich, M. C.

    Demonstration of the Complementarity of One- and Two-Photon Interference

    Abouraddy, A. F., Nasr, M. B., Saleh, B. E. A., Sergienko, A. V. and Teich, M. C.
    2001Other Publications Selected

    Demonstration of the Complementarity of One- and Two-Photon Interference

    Phys. Rev. A., 2001, 63, 063803, 1–6.

    2000Other Publications Selected Abouraddy, A. F., Nasr, M. B., Saleh, B. E. A., Sergienko, A. V. and Teich, M. C.

    Demonstration of the Complementarity of One- and Two-Photon Interference

    Abouraddy, A. F., Nasr, M. B., Saleh, B. E. A., Sergienko, A. V. and Teich, M. C.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Teleportation


    2000Other Publications Selected Zhang, L., Barhen, J. and Liu, H. K.

    Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Teleportation

    Zhang, L., Barhen, J. and Liu, H. K.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Teleportation

    Sci. Am., April 2000, 50–59.

    2000Other Publications Selected Zeilinger, A.

    Quantum Teleportation

    Zeilinger, A.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Experimental Demonstration of Three Mutually Orthogonal Polarization States of Entangled Photons

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2000, 85, 5013–5017.

    2000Other Publications Selected Tsegaye, T., Söderholm, J., Atatüre, M., Trifonov, A., Björk, G., Sergienko, A. V., Saleh, B. E. A. and Teich, M. C.

    Experimental Demonstration of Three Mutually Orthogonal Polarization States of Entangled Photons

    Tsegaye, T., Söderholm, J., Atatüre, M., Trifonov, A., Björk, G., Sergienko, A. V., Saleh, B. E. A. and Teich, M. C.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Complete Quantum Teleportation with a Kerr Nonlinearity

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2000, 85, 445–448.

    2000Other Publications Selected Vitali, D.

    Complete Quantum Teleportation with a Kerr Nonlinearity

    Vitali, D.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    On an Attempt to Resolve the EPR-Bell Paradox via Reichenbach Concept of Common Cause

    2000, revised version, 1–16.

    2000Other Publications Selected Szabó, L. E.

    On an Attempt to Resolve the EPR-Bell Paradox via Reichenbach Concept of Common Cause

    Szabó, L. E.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Attempt to Resolve the EPR-Bell Paradox via Reichenbach’s Concept of Common Cause

    Int. J. Theo. Phys., 2000, 39, 901–911.

    2000Other Publications Selected Szabó, L. E.

    Attempt to Resolve the EPR-Bell Paradox via Reichenbach’s Concept of Common Cause

    Szabó, L. E.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Use of Polarization Inversion for Resolution of Small Dipolar Couplings in SLF-2D NMR Experiments – an Application to Liquid Crystals

    Chem. Phys. Lett., 2000, 332, 125–130.

    2000Other Publications Selected Sinha, N. and Ramanathan, K. V.

    Use of Polarization Inversion for Resolution of Small Dipolar Couplings in SLF-2D NMR Experiments – an Application to Liquid Crystals

    Sinha, N. and Ramanathan, K. V.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Duality between Partial Coherence and Partial Entanglement

    Phys. Rev. A., 2000, 62, 043816, 1–15.

    2000Other Publications Selected Saleh, B. E. A., Abouraddy, A. F., Sergienko, A. V. and Teich, M. C.

    Duality between Partial Coherence and Partial Entanglement

    Saleh, B. E. A., Abouraddy, A. F., Sergienko, A. V. and Teich, M. C.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    NMR-Based Nanostructure Switch for Quantum Logic

    Phys. Rev. B., 2000, 62, R2267–R2270.

    2000Other Publications Selected Reina, J. H., Quiroga, L. and Johnson, N. F.

    NMR-Based Nanostructure Switch for Quantum Logic

    Reina, J. H., Quiroga, L. and Johnson, N. F.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Comment on ‘Manipulating the Frequency-Entangled States by an Acoustic-Optical Modulator’

    2000, quant-ph/0011031, 1–8.

    2000Other Publications Selected Resch, K. J., Myrskog, S. H., Lundeen, J. S. and Steinberg, A. M.

    Comment on ‘Manipulating the Frequency-Entangled States by an Acoustic-Optical Modulator’

    Resch, K. J., Myrskog, S. H., Lundeen, J. S. and Steinberg, A. M.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Squeezed-Vacuum Assisted Quantum Teleportation

    2000, conference proceedings, 1–10.

    2000Other Publications Selected Opatrný, T., Clausen, J., Welsch, D. G. and Kurizki, G.

    Squeezed-Vacuum Assisted Quantum Teleportation

    Opatrný, T., Clausen, J., Welsch, D. G. and Kurizki, G.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Some Introductory Notes on Quantum Computing

    2000,, 1–17.

    2000Other Publications Selected Kuhn, M. G.

    Some Introductory Notes on Quantum Computing

    Kuhn, M. G.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Limitations on the Creation of Maximal Entanglement

    2000, quant-ph/0001080, 1–5.

    2000Other Publications Selected Kok, P. and Braunstein, S. L.

    Limitations on the Creation of Maximal Entanglement

    Kok, P. and Braunstein, S. L.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    NMR Quantum Computation

    2000, quant-ph/0009002, 1–30.

    2000Other Publications Selected Jones, J. A.

    NMR Quantum Computation

    Jones, J. A.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Optical Tests of Quantum Nonlocality: from EPR-Bell Tests towards Experiments with Moving Observers

    2000, quant-ph/0009055, 1–7.

    2000Other Publications Selected Gisin, N., Scarani, V., Tittel, W. and Zbinden, H.

    Optical Tests of Quantum Nonlocality: from EPR-Bell Tests towards Experiments with Moving Observers

    Gisin, N., Scarani, V., Tittel, W. and Zbinden, H.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Geometric Quantum Computation Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

    Nature, 2000, 403, 869–871.

    2000Other Publications Selected Jones, J. A., Vedral, V., Ekert, A. and Castagnoli, G.

    Geometric Quantum Computation Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

    Jones, J. A., Vedral, V., Ekert, A. and Castagnoli, G.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Inseparability Criterion for Continuous Variable Systems

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2000, 84, 2722–2725.

    2000Other Publications Selected Duan, L. M., Giedke, G., Cirac, J. I. and Zoller, P.

    Inseparability Criterion for Continuous Variable Systems

    Duan, L. M., Giedke, G., Cirac, J. I. and Zoller, P.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Classical Teleportation of a Quantum Bit

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2000, 84, 2521–2524.

    2000Other Publications Selected Cerf, N. J., Gisin, N. and Massar, S.

    Classical Teleportation of a Quantum Bit

    Cerf, N. J., Gisin, N. and Massar, S.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Delayed ‘Choice’ Quantum Eraser

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 2000, 84, 1–5.

    2000Other Publications Selected Kim, Y. H., Yu, R., Kulik, S. P., Shih, Y. and Scully, M. O.

    Delayed ‘Choice’ Quantum Eraser

    Kim, Y. H., Yu, R., Kulik, S. P., Shih, Y. and Scully, M. O.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Operationally Invariant Information in Quantum Measurements

    2000, quant-ph/0005084, 1–4.

    2000Other Publications Selected Brukner, Č. and Zeilinger, A.

    Operationally Invariant Information in Quantum Measurements

    Brukner, Č. and Zeilinger, A.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Testing Bell’s Inequality with Two-Level Atoms via Population Spectroscopy

    Europhys. Lett., 2000, 49, 1–7.

    2000Other Publications Selected Brif, C. and Mann, A.

    Testing Bell’s Inequality with Two-Level Atoms via Population Spectroscopy

    Brif, C. and Mann, A.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Information and Computation

    Nature, 2000, 404, 247–255.

    2000Other Publications Selected Bennett, C. H. and DiVincenzo, D. P.

    Quantum Information and Computation

    Bennett, C. H. and DiVincenzo, D. P.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Noise of Entangled Electrons: Bunching and Antibunching

    Phys. Rev. B., 2000, 61, R16303–R16306.

    2000Other Publications Selected Burkard, G., Loss, D. and Sukhorukov, E. V.

    Noise of Entangled Electrons: Bunching and Antibunching

    Burkard, G., Loss, D. and Sukhorukov, E. V.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Solid-State Nuclear-Spin Quantum Computer Based on Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy

    Phys. Rev. B., 2000, 61, 14694–14699.

    2000Other Publications Selected Berman, G. P., Doolen, G. D., Hammel, P. C. and Tsifrinovich, V. I.

    Solid-State Nuclear-Spin Quantum Computer Based on Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy

    Berman, G. P., Doolen, G. D., Hammel, P. C. and Tsifrinovich, V. I.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Quantum Computation Using Electrons Trapped by Surface Acoustic Waves

    Phys. Rev. B., 2000, 62, 8410–8419.

    2000Other Publications Selected Barnes, C. H. W., Shilton, J. M. and Robinson, A. M.

    Quantum Computation Using Electrons Trapped by Surface Acoustic Waves

    Barnes, C. H. W., Shilton, J. M. and Robinson, A. M.
    2000Other Publications Selected

    Strengthening the Bell Theorem: Conditions to Falsify Local Realism in an Experiment

    1999, quant-ph/9910058, 1–41.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Żukowski, M., Kaszlikowski, D., Baturo, A. and Larsson, J. A.

    Strengthening the Bell Theorem: Conditions to Falsify Local Realism in an Experiment

    Żukowski, M., Kaszlikowski, D., Baturo, A. and Larsson, J. A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Identity, Geometry, Permutation and the Spin-Statistics Theorem

    1999, quant-ph/9908078, 1–41.

    1990sOther Publications Selected York, M. J.

    Identity, Geometry, Permutation and the Spin-Statistics Theorem

    York, M. J.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Quantum State Teleportation Understood through the Bohm Interpretation

    Found. Phys. Lett., 1999, 29, 1403–1415

    1990sOther Publications Selected Maroney, O. and Hiley, B. J.

    Quantum State Teleportation Understood through the Bohm Interpretation

    Maroney, O. and Hiley, B. J.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Pilot Wave Steerage: A Mechanism and Test

    Found. Phys. Lett., 1999, 12, 441–453.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Kracklauer, A. F.

    Pilot Wave Steerage: A Mechanism and Test

    Kracklauer, A. F.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Efficient Refocusing of One-Spin and Two-Spin Interactions for NMR Quantum Computation

    J. Mag. Res., 1999, 141, 322–325.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Jones, J. A. and Knill, E.

    Efficient Refocusing of One-Spin and Two-Spin Interactions for NMR Quantum Computation

    Jones, J. A. and Knill, E.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Approximate Quantum Counting on an NMR Ensemble Quantum Computer

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1999, 83, 1050–1053.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Jones, J. A. and Mosca, M.

    Approximate Quantum Counting on an NMR Ensemble Quantum Computer

    Jones, J. A. and Mosca, M.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Spin Flips and Quantum Information for Antiparallel Spins

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1999, 83, 432–435.

    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Spin Flips and Quantum Information for Antiparallel Spins

    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Unextendible Product Bases and Bound Entanglement

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1999, 82, 5385–5388.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Bennett, C. H., DiVincenzo, D. P., Mor, T., Shor, P. W., Smolin, J. A. and Terhal, B. M.

    Unextendible Product Bases and Bound Entanglement

    Bennett, C. H., DiVincenzo, D. P., Mor, T., Shor, P. W., Smolin, J. A. and Terhal, B. M.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Pulsed Energy-Time Entangled Twin-Photon Source for Quantum Communication

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1999, 82, 2594–2597.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Brendel, J., Gisin, N., Tittle, W. and Zbinden, H.

    Pulsed Energy-Time Entangled Twin-Photon Source for Quantum Communication

    Brendel, J., Gisin, N., Tittle, W. and Zbinden, H.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Violation of Bell’s Inequality under Strict Einstein Locality Conditions

    1998, quant-ph/9810080, 1–5.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Weihs, G., Jennewein, T., Simon, C., Weinfurter, H. and Zeilinger, A.

    Violation of Bell’s Inequality under Strict Einstein Locality Conditions

    Weihs, G., Jennewein, T., Simon, C., Weinfurter, H. and Zeilinger, A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Teleportation: Dream or Reality?

    1998, quant-ph/9810089, 1–13.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Vaidman, L.

    Teleportation: Dream or Reality?

    Vaidman, L.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Long-Distance Bell-Type Tests Using Energy-Time Entangled Photons

    1998, quant-ph/9809025, 1–22.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Gisin, N. and Zbinden, H.

    Long-Distance Bell-Type Tests Using Energy-Time Entangled Photons

    Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Gisin, N. and Zbinden, H.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Is the EPR Paradox a Paradox?

    1998, quant-ph/9805074, 1–7.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Tartaglia, A.

    Is the EPR Paradox a Paradox?

    Tartaglia, A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Locality Problem, Bell’s Inequalities and EPR Experiments

    1998, quant-ph/9808005, 1–7.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Lokajíček, M.

    Locality Problem, Bell’s Inequalities and EPR Experiments

    Lokajíček, M.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Violation of Bell Inequalities by Photons More than 10 km Apart

    1998, quant-ph/9806043, 1–4.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.

    Violation of Bell Inequalities by Photons More than 10 km Apart

    Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Correlations Over More than 10 km

    Phys. Rev. A., 1998, 57, 3229–3232

    1990sOther Publications Selected Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Ginsin, B., Herzog, T., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.,

    Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Correlations Over More than 10 km

    Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Ginsin, B., Herzog, T., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.,
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Teleportation with Bright Squeezed Light

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1998, 81, 5668–5671.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Ralph, T. C. and Lam, P. K.

    Teleportation with Bright Squeezed Light

    Ralph, T. C. and Lam, P. K.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Violation of Bell Inequalities by Photons More than 10 km Apart

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1998, 81, 3563–3566.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.

    Violation of Bell Inequalities by Photons More than 10 km Apart

    Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Quantum Logic Gates and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Pulse Sequences

    J. Mag. Res., 1998, 135, 353–360.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Jones, J. A., Hansen, R. H. and Mosca, M.

    Quantum Logic Gates and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Pulse Sequences

    Jones, J. A., Hansen, R. H. and Mosca, M.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Implementation of a Quantum Search Algorithm on a Quantum Computer

    Nature, 1998, 393, 344–346.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Jones, J. A., Mosca, M. and Hansen, R. H.

    Implementation of a Quantum Search Algorithm on a Quantum Computer

    Jones, J. A., Mosca, M. and Hansen, R. H.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Implementation of a Quantum Algorithm on a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum Computer

    J. Chem. Phys., 1998, 109, 1648–1653.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Jones, J. A. and Mosca, M.

    Implementation of a Quantum Algorithm on a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum Computer

    Jones, J. A. and Mosca, M.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Unconditional Quantum Teleportation

    Science, 1998, 282, 706–709.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Furusawa, A., Sørensen, J. L., Braunstein, S. L., Fuchs, C. A., Kimble, H J. and Polzik, E. S.

    Unconditional Quantum Teleportation

    Furusawa, A., Sørensen, J. L., Braunstein, S. L., Fuchs, C. A., Kimble, H J. and Polzik, E. S.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Reconstruction of Quantum States of Spin Systems: from Quantum Bayesian Inference to Quantum Tomography

    Annals of Physics, 1998, 266, 454–496.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Bužek, V., Derka, R., Adam, G. and Knight, P. L.

    Reconstruction of Quantum States of Spin Systems: from Quantum Bayesian Inference to Quantum Tomography

    Bužek, V., Derka, R., Adam, G. and Knight, P. L.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Separability of Very Noisy Mixed States and Implications for NMR Quantum Computing

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1998, quant-ph/9811018, 1–4.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Braunstein, S. L., Caves, C. M., Jozsa, R., Linden, N., Popescu, S. and Schack, R.

    Separability of Very Noisy Mixed States and Implications for NMR Quantum Computing

    Braunstein, S. L., Caves, C. M., Jozsa, R., Linden, N., Popescu, S. and Schack, R.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Realization of Teleporting an Unknown Pure Quantum State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1998, 80, 1121–1125.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Boschi, D., Branca, S., De Martini, F., Hardy, L. and Popescu, S.

    Experimental Realization of Teleporting an Unknown Pure Quantum State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels

    Boschi, D., Branca, S., De Martini, F., Hardy, L. and Popescu, S.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Non-Linear Quantum State Transformation of Spin-1/2

    Phys. Lett. A., 1998, 242, 198–204.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Bechmann-Pasquinucci, H., Huttner, B. and Gisin, N.

    Non-Linear Quantum State Transformation of Spin-1/2

    Bechmann-Pasquinucci, H., Huttner, B. and Gisin, N.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    If It’s Important, You’ll Remember It for Longer

    New Scientist, 1997, 16.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Wells, W.

    If It’s Important, You’ll Remember It for Longer

    Wells, W.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Quantum Teleportation and the Non-Locality of Information

    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A., 1997, 355, 2401–2404.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Zeilinger, A.

    Quantum Teleportation and the Non-Locality of Information

    Zeilinger, A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Non-Local Two-Photon Correlations Using Interferometers Physically Separated by 35 Meters

    1997, quant-ph/9703023, 1–9.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Herzog, T., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.

    Non-Local Two-Photon Correlations Using Interferometers Physically Separated by 35 Meters

    Tittel, W., Brendel, J., Herzog, T., Zbinden, H. and Gisin, N.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Parahydrogen Induced Polarization

    Prog. Nuc. Mag. Res. Spec., 1997, 31, 293–315.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Natterer, J. and Bargon, J.

    Parahydrogen Induced Polarization

    Natterer, J. and Bargon, J.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Teleportation with Identity Interchange of Quantum States

    Phys. Rev. A., 1997, 55, R3287–R3290.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Moussa, M. H. Y.

    Teleportation with Identity Interchange of Quantum States

    Moussa, M. H. Y.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Reversible Quantum Operations and Their Application to Teleportation

    Phys. Rev. A., 1997, 55, 2547–2556.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Nielsen, M. A. and Carlton, M. C.

    Reversible Quantum Operations and Their Application to Teleportation

    Nielsen, M. A. and Carlton, M. C.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Test of Bell’s Inequalities with Harmonic Oscillators

    Phys. Rev. A., 1997, 55, R2492–R2494.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Hacyan, S.

    Test of Bell’s Inequalities with Harmonic Oscillators

    Hacyan, S.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Quantum Teleportation

    Nature, 1997, 390, 575–579.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Bouwmeester, D., Pan, J. W., Mattle, K., Eibl, M., Weinfurter, H. and Zeilinger, A.

    Experimental Quantum Teleportation

    Bouwmeester, D., Pan, J. W., Mattle, K., Eibl, M., Weinfurter, H. and Zeilinger, A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    On the Solution of the EPR Paradox and the Explanation of the Violation of Bell’s Inequality

    1997, quant-ph/9708045, 1–17.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Bene, G.

    On the Solution of the EPR Paradox and the Explanation of the Violation of Bell’s Inequality

    Bene, G.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    An Introduction to Quantum Cosmology

    2003 (earlier version: 1995), quant-ph/0101003, 1–59.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Wiltshire, D. L.

    An Introduction to Quantum Cosmology

    Wiltshire, D. L.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Coherence Properties of Entangled Light Beams Generated by Parametric Down-Conversion: Theory and Experiment

    Phys. Rev. A., 1996, 53, 4360–4371.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Joobeur, A., Saleh, B. E. A., Larchuk, T. S. and Teich, M. C.

    Coherence Properties of Entangled Light Beams Generated by Parametric Down-Conversion: Theory and Experiment

    Joobeur, A., Saleh, B. E. A., Larchuk, T. S. and Teich, M. C.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Two-Photon Geometric Optics

    Phys. Rev. A., 1996, 53, 2804–2815.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Pittman, T. B., Strekalov, D. V., Klyshko, D. N., Rubin, M. H., Sergienko, A. V. and Shih, Y. H.

    Two-Photon Geometric Optics

    Pittman, T. B., Strekalov, D. V., Klyshko, D. N., Rubin, M. H., Sergienko, A. V. and Shih, Y. H.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Quantum Teleportation without Irreversible detection

    Phys. Rev. A., 1996, 53, 1900–1902.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Braunstein, S. L.

    Quantum Teleportation without Irreversible detection

    Braunstein, S. L.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Teleportation as a Quantum Computation

    1996, quant-ph/9605035, 1–3.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Brassard, G.

    Teleportation as a Quantum Computation

    Brassard, G.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    About Position Measurements Which Do Not Show the Bohmian Particle Position

    1995, quant-ph/9511005, 1–13.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Aharonov, Y. and Vaidman, L.

    About Position Measurements Which Do Not Show the Bohmian Particle Position

    Aharonov, Y. and Vaidman, L.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Effect of Decoherence on Bell’s Inequality for an EPR Pair

    1995, quant-ph/9501021, 1–5.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Venugopalan, A., Kumar, D. and Ghosh R.

    Effect of Decoherence on Bell’s Inequality for an EPR Pair

    Venugopalan, A., Kumar, D. and Ghosh R.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Bell Inequalities with Postselection

    1995, quant-ph/9512003, 1–7.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Peres, A.

    Bell Inequalities with Postselection

    Peres, A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Elementary Gates for Quantum Computation

    Phys. Rev. A., 1995, 52, 3457–3467.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Barenco, A., Bennett, C. H., Cleve, R., DiVincenzo, D. P., Margolus, N., Shor, P., Sleator, T., Smolin, J. A. and Weinfurter, H.

    Elementary Gates for Quantum Computation

    Barenco, A., Bennett, C. H., Cleve, R., DiVincenzo, D. P., Margolus, N., Shor, P., Sleator, T., Smolin, J. A. and Weinfurter, H.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Two Interferometric Complementarities

    Phys. Rev. A., 1995, 51, 54–67.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Jaeger, G., Shimony, A. and Vaidman, L.

    Two Interferometric Complementarities

    Jaeger, G., Shimony, A. and Vaidman, L.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Frustrate Downconversion: Virtual or Real Photons?

    Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Reprinted from Fundamental Problems in Quantum Theory: A Conference Held in Honor of Professor John A. Wheeler), 1995, 755, 61–72.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Weinfurter, H., Herzog, T. J., Kwiat, P. G., Rarity, J. G., Zeilinger, A. and Zukowski, M.

    Frustrate Downconversion: Virtual or Real Photons?

    Weinfurter, H., Herzog, T. J., Kwiat, P. G., Rarity, J. G., Zeilinger, A. and Zukowski, M.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    New High-Intensity Source of Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1995, 75, 4337–4341.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Kwiat, P. G., Mattle, K., Weinfurter, H. and Zeilinger, A.

    New High-Intensity Source of Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs

    Kwiat, P. G., Mattle, K., Weinfurter, H. and Zeilinger, A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Complementarity and the Quantum Eraser

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1995, 75, 3034–3037.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Herzog, T. J., Kwiat, P. G., Weinfurter, H. and Zeilinger, A.

    Complementarity and the Quantum Eraser

    Herzog, T. J., Kwiat, P. G., Weinfurter, H. and Zeilinger, A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Measurement of the Bell Operator and Quantum Teleportation

    Phys. Rev. A., 1995, 51, R1727–R1730.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Braunstein, S. L. and Mann, A.

    Measurement of the Bell Operator and Quantum Teleportation

    Braunstein, S. L. and Mann, A.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Theory of Two-Photon Entanglement in Type-II Optical Parametric Down-Conversion

    Phys. Rev. A., 1994, 50, 5122–5133

    1990sOther Publications Selected Rubin, M. H., Klyshko, D. N., Shih, Y. H. and Sergienko, A. V.

    Theory of Two-Photon Entanglement in Type-II Optical Parametric Down-Conversion

    Rubin, M. H., Klyshko, D. N., Shih, Y. H. and Sergienko, A. V.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Schemes for Atomic-State Teleportation

    Phys. Rev. A., 1994, 50, R4441–R4444.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Cirac, J. I. and Parkins, A. S.

    Schemes for Atomic-State Teleportation

    Cirac, J. I. and Parkins, A. S.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Proposal for a Loophole-Free Bell Inequality Experiment

    Phys. Rev. A., 1994, 49, 3209–3220.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Kwiat, P. G.

    Proposal for a Loophole-Free Bell Inequality Experiment

    Kwiat, P. G.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Teleportation of Quantum States

    Phys. Rev. A., 1994, 49, 1473–1476.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Vaidman, V

    Teleportation of Quantum States

    Vaidman, V
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Instant Teleportation

    Nature, 1993, 362, 586–587.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Sudbery, T.

    Instant Teleportation

    Sudbery, T.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Teleporting an Unknown Quantum State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1993, 70, 1895–1899.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Bennett, C. H., Brassard, G., Crépeau, C., Jozsa, R., Peres, A. and Wootters, W. K.

    Teleporting an Unknown Quantum State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels

    Bennett, C. H., Brassard, G., Crépeau, C., Jozsa, R., Peres, A. and Wootters, W. K.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Test of Bell’s Inequality for Energy and Time

    Europhys. Lett., 1992, 20, 575–580.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Brendel, J., Mohler, E. and Martienssen, W.

    Experimental Test of Bell’s Inequality for Energy and Time

    Brendel, J., Mohler, E. and Martienssen, W.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Communication via One- and Two-Particle Operators on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen States

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1992, 69, 2881–2884.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Bennett, C. H. and Wiesner, S. J.

    Communication via One- and Two-Particle Operators on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen States

    Bennett, C. H. and Wiesner, S. J.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Realization of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox for Continus Variable

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1992, 68, 3663–3666.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Ou, Z. Y., Pereira, S. F., Kimble, H. J. and Peng, K. C.

    Realization of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox for Continus Variable

    Ou, Z. Y., Pereira, S. F., Kimble, H. J. and Peng, K. C.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Comment on ‘Nonlocality of a Single Photon’

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1992, 68, 894.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Santos, E.

    Comment on ‘Nonlocality of a Single Photon’

    Santos, E.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Failure of Some Theories of State Reduction

    Phys. Rev. A., 1991, 43, 9–12.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Ballentine, L. E.

    Failure of Some Theories of State Reduction

    Ballentine, L. E.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Quantum Optical Tests of Complementarity

    Nature, 1991, 351, 111–116.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Scully, M. O., Englert, B. G. and Walther, H.

    Quantum Optical Tests of Complementarity

    Scully, M. O., Englert, B. G. and Walther, H.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Time-Resolved Dual-Beam Two-Photon Interferences with High Quality

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1991, 66, 1142–1145.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Brendel, J., Mohler, E. and Martienssen, W.

    Time-Resolved Dual-Beam Two-Photon Interferences with High Quality

    Brendel, J., Mohler, E. and Martienssen, W.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    A Mechanistic Classical Laboratory Situation Violating the Bell Inequalities with 2 sqrt 2, Exactly ‘in the Same Way’ as its Violations by the EPR Experiments

    Helv. Phys. Acta., 1991, 64, 1–23.

    1990sOther Publications Selected Aerts, D.

    A Mechanistic Classical Laboratory Situation Violating the Bell Inequalities with 2 sqrt 2, Exactly ‘in the Same Way’ as its Violations by the EPR Experiments

    Aerts, D.
    1990sOther Publications Selected

    Demonstrations of Two-Slit Electron Interference

    Am. J. Phys., 1989, 57, 680.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Gilson, G.

    Demonstrations of Two-Slit Electron Interference

    Gilson, G.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Demonstration of Single-Electron Buildup of an Interference Pattern

    Am. J. Phys., 1989, 57, 117–120.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Tonomura, A., Endo, J., Matsuda, T., Kawasaki, T. and Ezawa, H.

    Demonstration of Single-Electron Buildup of an Interference Pattern

    Tonomura, A., Endo, J., Matsuda, T., Kawasaki, T. and Ezawa, H.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Local Realism and Measured Correlation in the Spin-s Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment

    Phys. Rev. D., 1983, 27, 339–348.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Mermin, N. D. and Garg, A.

    Local Realism and Measured Correlation in the Spin-s Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment

    Mermin, N. D. and Garg, A.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Bell Inequalities with a Range of Violation that Does Not Diminish as the Spin Becomes Arbitrarily Large

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1982, 49, 901–904.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Mermin, N. D. and Garg, A.

    Bell Inequalities with a Range of Violation that Does Not Diminish as the Spin Becomes Arbitrarily Large

    Mermin, N. D. and Garg, A.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Joint Distributions and Local Realism in the Higher-Spin Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment

    Found. Phys., 1982, 12, 101–135.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Mermin, N. D. and Schwarz, G. M.

    Joint Distributions and Local Realism in the Higher-Spin Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment

    Mermin, N. D. and Schwarz, G. M.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Test of Bell’s Inequalities Using Time-Varying Analyzers

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1982, 49, 1804–1807.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Aspect, A., Grangier, P. and Roger, G.

    Experimental Test of Bell’s Inequalities Using Time-Varying Analyzers

    Aspect, A., Grangier, P. and Roger, G.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Realization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedankenexperiment: A New Violation of Bell’s Inequalities

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1982, 49, 91–94.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Aspect, A., Grangier, P. and Roger, G.

    Experimental Realization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedankenexperiment: A New Violation of Bell’s Inequalities

    Aspect, A., Grangier, P. and Roger, G.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Tests of Realistic Local Theories via Bell’s Theorem

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1981, 47, 460–463.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Aspect, A., Grangier, P. and Roger, G.

    Experimental Tests of Realistic Local Theories via Bell’s Theorem

    Aspect, A., Grangier, P. and Roger, G.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Quantum Mechanics vs Local Realism Near the Classical Limits: A Bell Inequality for Spin s

    Phys. Rev. D., 1980, 22, 356–361.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Mermin, N. D.

    Quantum Mechanics vs Local Realism Near the Classical Limits: A Bell Inequality for Spin s

    Mermin, N. D.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    Absolute Measurement of an Atomic Cascade Rate Using a Two Photon Coincidence Technique. Application to the 4p2 1S0–4s4p 1P1–4s2 1S0 Cascade of Calcium Excited by a Two Photon Absorption

    Opt. Comm., 1980, 34, 46–52.

    1980sOther Publications Selected Aspect, A., Imbert, C. and Roger, G.

    Absolute Measurement of an Atomic Cascade Rate Using a Two Photon Coincidence Technique. Application to the 4p2 1S0–4s4p 1P1–4s2 1S0 Cascade of Calcium Excited by a Two Photon Absorption

    Aspect, A., Imbert, C. and Roger, G.
    1980sOther Publications Selected

    The Quantum Theory and Reality

    Sci. Am., 1979, 158–181.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected d’Espagnat, B.

    The Quantum Theory and Reality

    d’Espagnat, B.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Unperformed Experiments have No Result

    Am. J. Phys., 1978, 46, 745–747.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Peres, A.

    Unperformed Experiments have No Result

    Peres, A.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Bell’s Theorem: Experimental Tests and Implications

    Rep. Prog. Phys., 1978, 41, 1881–1927.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Clauser, J. F. and Shimony, A.

    Bell’s Theorem: Experimental Tests and Implications

    Clauser, J. F. and Shimony, A.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    On the Statistical Aspect of Electron Interference Phenomena

    Am. J. Phys., 1976, 44, 306–307.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Merli, P. G., Missiroli, G. F. and Pozzi, G.

    On the Statistical Aspect of Electron Interference Phenomena

    Merli, P. G., Missiroli, G. F. and Pozzi, G.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Quantum Mechanics and Hidden Variables: A Test of Bell’s Inequality by the Measurement of the Spin Correlation in Low-Energy Proton-Proton Scattering

    Phys. Rev. D., 1976, 14, 2543–2555

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Lamehi-Rachti, M. and Mittig, W.

    Quantum Mechanics and Hidden Variables: A Test of Bell’s Inequality by the Measurement of the Spin Correlation in Low-Energy Proton-Proton Scattering

    Lamehi-Rachti, M. and Mittig, W.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Investigation of a Polarization Correlation Anomaly

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1976, 36, 1223–1226.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Clauser, J. F.

    Experimental Investigation of a Polarization Correlation Anomaly

    Clauser, J. F.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    On Wave Packet Reduction in the Coleman-Hepp Model

    Helv. Phys. Act., 1975, 48, 93–98.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Bell, J. S.

    On Wave Packet Reduction in the Coleman-Hepp Model

    Bell, J. S.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Electron Diffraction at Multiple Slits

    Am. J. Phys., 1974, 42, 4–11.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Jönsson, C.

    Electron Diffraction at Multiple Slits

    Jönsson, C.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Consequences of Objective Local Theories

    Phys. Rev. D., 1974, 10, 526–535.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Clauser, J. F. and Horne, M. A.

    Experimental Consequences of Objective Local Theories

    Clauser, J. F. and Horne, M. A.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Quantum Theory of Measurement and Macroscopic Observables

    Helv. Phys. Act., 1972, 45, 237–248.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Hepp, K.

    Quantum Theory of Measurement and Macroscopic Observables

    Hepp, K.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Experimental Test of Local Hidden-Variable Theories

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1972, 28, 938–941.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Freedman, S. J. and Clauser, J. F.

    Experimental Test of Local Hidden-Variable Theories

    Freedman, S. J. and Clauser, J. F.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Collisionally Uncoupled Model for the Contribution of Orientational Polarizations to Transport Properties of Dilute Gases

    J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 56, 2049–2055.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Coope, J. A. R. and Snider, R. F.

    Collisionally Uncoupled Model for the Contribution of Orientational Polarizations to Transport Properties of Dilute Gases

    Coope, J. A. R. and Snider, R. F.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    On the Evaluation of Kinetic Theory Collision Integrals: Diamagnetic Diatomic Molecules

    J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 57, 542–561.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Chen, F. M., Moraal, H. and Snider, R. F.

    On the Evaluation of Kinetic Theory Collision Integrals: Diamagnetic Diatomic Molecules

    Chen, F. M., Moraal, H. and Snider, R. F.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Mathematical Description of a System Consisting of Identical Quantum-Mechanical Particles

    J. Math. Phys., 1970, 11, 449–473.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Kummer, H.

    Mathematical Description of a System Consisting of Identical Quantum-Mechanical Particles

    Kummer, H.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    N-Representability Problem: Particle-Hole Equivalence

    J. Math. Phys., 1970, 11, 3218–3224.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Ruskai, M. B.

    N-Representability Problem: Particle-Hole Equivalence

    Ruskai, M. B.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Hidden-Variable Example Based upon Data Rejection

    Phys. Rev. D., 1970, 2, 1418–1425.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Pearle, P. M.

    Hidden-Variable Example Based upon Data Rejection

    Pearle, P. M.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    The Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

    Rev. Mod. Phys., 1970, 42, 358–381.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Ballentine, L. E.

    The Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

    Ballentine, L. E.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Linear Inequalities for Density Matrices

    J. Math. Phys., 1969, 10, 725–734.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Davidson, E. R.

    Linear Inequalities for Density Matrices

    Davidson, E. R.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Reduced Density Matrices of Energy Eigenstates

    J. Math. Phys., 1969, 10, 1761–1763.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Rosina, M., Percus, J. K., Kijewski, L. J. and Garrod, C.

    Reduced Density Matrices of Energy Eigenstates

    Rosina, M., Percus, J. K., Kijewski, L. J. and Garrod, C.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Pauil-Principle Restrcition on the Two Matrix of Bopp for Atomic Ground States

    Phys. Rev., 1969, 179, 45–54.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Kijewski, L. J. and Percus, J. K.

    Pauil-Principle Restrcition on the Two Matrix of Bopp for Atomic Ground States

    Kijewski, L. J. and Percus, J. K.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Proposed Experiment to Test Local Hidden-Variable Theories

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 1969, 23, 880–884.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Clauser, J. F., Horne, M. A., Shimony, A. and Holt, R. A.

    Proposed Experiment to Test Local Hidden-Variable Theories

    Clauser, J. F., Horne, M. A., Shimony, A. and Holt, R. A.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Phase and Angle Variables in Quantum Mechanics

    Rev. Mod. Phys., 1968, 40, 411–440.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Carruthers, P.

    Phase and Angle Variables in Quantum Mechanics

    Carruthers, P.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    N-Representability Problem for Reduced Density Matrices

    J. Math. Phys., 1967, 8, 2063–2081.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Kummer, H.

    N-Representability Problem for Reduced Density Matrices

    Kummer, H.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Derivation of Schrӧdinger Equation from Newtonian Mechanics

    Phys. Rev., 1966, 150, 1079–1085.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Nelson, E.

    Derivation of Schrӧdinger Equation from Newtonian Mechanics

    Nelson, E.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    On the Problem of Hidden Variables in Quantum Mechanics

    Rev. Mod. Phys., 1966, 38, 447–452.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Bell, J. S.

    On the Problem of Hidden Variables in Quantum Mechanics

    Bell, J. S.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Irreducible Cartesian Tensors

    J. Chem. Phys., 1965, 43, 2269–2275.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Coope, J. A. R., Snider, R. F. and McCourt, F. R.

    Irreducible Cartesian Tensors

    Coope, J. A. R., Snider, R. F. and McCourt, F. R.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox

    Physics, 1964, 1, 195–290.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Bell, J. S.

    On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox

    Bell, J. S.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Reduction of the N-Particle Variational Problem

    J. Math. Phys., 1964, 5, 1756–1776.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Garrod, C. and Percus, J. K.

    Reduction of the N-Particle Variational Problem

    Garrod, C. and Percus, J. K.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Precession Equation of a Spinning Particle in Nonuniform Fields

    Phys. Rev., 1964, 133, B828–B830.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Fano, U.

    Precession Equation of a Spinning Particle in Nonuniform Fields

    Fano, U.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Ensemble Method in the Theory of Irreversibility

    J. Chem. Phys., 1960, 33, 1338–1341.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Zwanzig, R.

    Ensemble Method in the Theory of Irreversibility

    Zwanzig, R.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Description of States in Quantum Mechanics by Density Matrix and Operator Techniques

    Rev. Mod. Phys., 1957, 29, 74–93.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Fano, U.

    Description of States in Quantum Mechanics by Density Matrix and Operator Techniques

    Fano, U.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Discussion of Experimental Proof for the Paradox of Einstein, Rosen, and Podolsky

    Phys. Rev., 1957, 108, 1070–1076.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Bohm, D. and Aharonov, Y.

    Discussion of Experimental Proof for the Paradox of Einstein, Rosen, and Podolsky

    Bohm, D. and Aharonov, Y.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Proof that Probability Density Approaches |Ψ|2 in Casual Interpretation of the Quantum Theory

    Phys. Rev., 1953, 89, 458–466.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Bohm, D.

    Proof that Probability Density Approaches |Ψ|2 in Casual Interpretation of the Quantum Theory

    Bohm, D.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    A Suggested Interpretation of the Quantum Theory in Terms of ‘Hidden’ Variables. I.

    Phys. Rev., 1952, 85, 166–179.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Bohm, D.

    A Suggested Interpretation of the Quantum Theory in Terms of ‘Hidden’ Variables. I.

    Bohm, D.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Remarks on the Classical and Quantum- Mechanical Treatment of Partial Polarization

    J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1949, 39, 859–863.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Fano, U.

    Remarks on the Classical and Quantum- Mechanical Treatment of Partial Polarization

    Fano, U.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    The Correction Between Spin and Statistics

    Phys. Rev., 1940, 58, 716–722.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Pauli, W.

    The Correction Between Spin and Statistics

    Pauli, W.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Discussion of Probability Relations between Separated Systems

    Proceed. Cam. Phil. Soc., 1935, 31, 555–563.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Schrödinger, E.

    Discussion of Probability Relations between Separated Systems

    Schrödinger, E.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Note on the Quantum-Mechanical Theory of Measurement

    Phys. Rev., 1936, 49, 393–399.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Furry, W. H.

    Note on the Quantum-Mechanical Theory of Measurement

    Furry, W. H.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Can Quantum- Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?

    Phys. Rev., 1935, 47, 777–780. [

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Einstein, A., Podolsky, B. and Rosen, N.

    Can Quantum- Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?

    Einstein, A., Podolsky, B. and Rosen, N.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?

    Phys. Rev., 1935, 48, 696–702.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Bohr, N.

    Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?

    Bohr, N.
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected

    An Undulatory Theory of the Mechanics of Atoms and Molecules

    Phys. Rev., 1926, 28, 1049–1070.

    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected Schrödinger, E

    An Undulatory Theory of the Mechanics of Atoms and Molecules

    Schrödinger, E
    1920s-1970sOther Publications Selected


    Around the globe

    Canoe-camping at Lac Maurice, Quebec, 2004.

    Canoe-camping at Lac Maurice, Quebec, 2004.

    Around the globe

    In Nanjing, China, 1992.

    In Nanjing, China, 1992.

    Around the globe

    In India, Mysore, 2003.

    In India, Mysore, 2003.

    Around the globe

    1997 in Holland near the Huygens laboratory.

    1997 in Holland near the Huygens laboratory.

    Around the globe

    In India at IIT Madras in 2003 with India ladies.

    In India at IIT Madras in 2003 with India ladies.

    Around the globe

    1997 in den Hague, near the Binnerhof, while on Sabbatical at the Huygens Laboratory.

    1997 in den Hague, near the Binnerhof, while on Sabbatical at the Huygens Laboratory.

    Around the globe

    1989 in Forbidden City in Beijing.

    1989 in Forbidden City in Beijing.

    Around the globe

    1971 after PhD grad in Athens.

    1971 after PhD grad in Athens.

    Bryan Family

    Hillary practicing for a concert, 2006.

    Hillary practicing for a concert, 2006.

    Bryan Family

    In Toronto 2003: Bryan, ???, Cathey (sister), Johanna (daughter), Roger (nephew), Cynthia (sister-in-law), Nick (brother), and Nichole (niece).

    In Toronto 2003: Bryan, ???, Cathey (sister), Johanna (daughter), Roger (nephew), Cynthia (sister-in-law), Nick (brother), and Nichole (niece).

    Bryan Family

    In Switzerland, 2003 at clock museum with daughter Hillary.

    In Switzerland, 2003 at clock museum with daughter Hillary.

    Bryan Family

    In Switzerland January 2004 for Colin’s PhD graduation: Bryan, Colin (son), Hillary (daughter), Mingy (former-wife), and Mark (son).

    In Switzerland January 2004 for Colin’s PhD graduation: Bryan, Colin (son), Hillary (daughter), Mingy (former-wife), and Mark (son).

    Bryan Family

    Bryan, father (Clifford) and step-mother, Gill, in 2005.

    Bryan, father (Clifford) and step-mother, Gill, in 2005.

    Bryan Family

    Montreal 2003: Cathey, Bryan and Bryan’s daughter, Johanna.

    Montreal 2003: Cathey, Bryan and Bryan’s daughter, Johanna.


    Summer research group in 2003: Bryan, Eric Henderson, Thomas Lazzara, Rami Hourani, Steven Pressé, ??? and Tony Whitehead.

    Summer research group in 2003: Bryan, Eric Henderson, Thomas Lazzara, Rami Hourani, Steven Pressé, ??? and Tony Whitehead.


    Bryan, Jan-Åke Larsson and Richard Gill in Holland, 2004.

    Bryan, Jan-Åke Larsson and Richard Gill in Holland, 2004.


    Al Kracklauer and Bryan in Torun Poland, 2006.

    Al Kracklauer and Bryan in Torun Poland, 2006.

    UBC years

    Pasha, was a great dog.

    Pasha, was a great dog.

    UBC years

    Grad student card.

    Grad student card.

    UBC years

    In Kitamat, 1967 where Bryan worked for a summer.

    In Kitamat, 1967 where Bryan worked for a summer.

    UBC years

    Pasha and Bryan.

    Pasha and Bryan.

    UBC years

    Graduate student days. Forgot names now except right of Bryan (center) is Paul.

    Graduate student days. Forgot names now except right of Bryan (center) is Paul.

    UBC years

    As a graduate student: see Bryan’s dog, Pasha, in top right hand corner.

    As a graduate student: see Bryan’s dog, Pasha, in top right hand corner.

    Early years & childhood

    Cathey and Bryan about 1948.

    Cathey and Bryan about 1948.

    Early years & childhood

    Cathey and Bryan about 1948.

    Cathey and Bryan about 1948.

    Early years & childhood

    1954, Cathey and Bryan before leaving for Canada.

    1954, Cathey and Bryan before leaving for Canada.

    Early years & childhood

    Bryan’s parents and sister, about 1949.

    Bryan’s parents and sister, about 1949.

    Early years & childhood

    Bryan in pram, England, 1945.

    Bryan in pram, England, 1945.

    Early years & childhood

    Winter 1955 in Toronto with 1949 Pontiac: Cathey, Mother and Bryan

    Winter 1955 in Toronto with 1949 Pontiac: Cathey, Mother and Bryan

    Early years & childhood

    December, 1954, on board of the almighty Queen Mary on our way to North America from England (L to R): Bryan, Clifford (father), Cathey (sister) and Topsy (mother).

    December, 1954, on board of the almighty Queen Mary on our way to North America from England (L to R): Bryan, Clifford (father), Cathey (sister) and Topsy (mother).



    Get In Touch

    Professor of Chemistry
    Otto Maass Chemistry Building
    801 Sherbrooke Street West
    Montreal, Quebec
    H3A 2K6

    Office: Room 224
    Phone: 514.398.6930
    Fax: 514.398.3798

    Lab: 125B
    Lab Phone: 514.398.6905

    Drop us a line